#JSCONCAT! Simple lightweight file concatenation script,jams all your files into a single file, so you dont have to! Uses the uglify-js library for compression of javascript files if specified.
npm install jsconcat -g
##How to:
Simple create a script in your projects root directory,require in the jsconcat library
and specify the files you need to be processed.
uglify(TRUE/FALSE): a boolean value property,a true value tells the script to use uglify
for compression,for js codes only.
src_dir: a string specifying the location of the files to be used.
build_dir: a string specifying the location to store the produced file.
name: the name to call the final file produced.
src: an array containing the files to be concatenated.
file: js-build =>
var jsconcat = require('jsConcat').JsConcat;
var monster_engine = {
uglify: true,
src_dir : './assets/js',
name: 'monster_engine.js',
var curler = {
uglify: true,
src_dir : './assets/js/curler',
name: 'curler.js',
src: ['curler.js']
monster_engine.build_dir = curler.build_dir = " ./builds";
navigate to your projects root directory in your terminal and run "node js-build" ;