- Xampp
- Install https://www.apachefriends.org/
- WinSCP
- VSCode
- Install https://code.visualstudio.com/
- PHP v.8.1+
- Installed via Xampp
- Domain and host
- MySql 4.9+
- Installed via Xampp
- Github
- Register Education https://education.github.com/benefits
- Use student card and e-mail for free benefits
- Version control and AI coding
- GitKraken
- Register Education https://education.github.com/benefits
- Create a "secrets.ini" file
- Create a "yourSecrets.ini" file
- These files should be one directory above the root folder (which is this repository)
secrets.ini should look like the following:
db_host = localhost
db_name = jesper_hansenberg_dk_db_php_boilerplate
db_user = root
db_password =
The "yourSecrets.ini" should contain your details for the remote found on Simply.com
You can now from the file:
Change between local or remote database.
- This repository should be placed in the folder C:\xampp\htdocs
- Or whereever you're hosting from.
- Startup Xampp
- Startup Apache in Xampp (Webserver)
- Startup MySQL in Xampp (Database)
- Goto localhost/phpmyadmin in a browser
- Create a new database, give it a name and an encoding, f.x.
- utf8mb4_general_ci
- /app/setup/jesper_hansenberg_dk_db_php_boilerplate.sql
- Change line 21
and replace it with the name of your database.
- Change line 21
- Select the database and import the SQL
- Startup WinSCP
- Login details found via
- Simply -> Controlpanel -> Administration -> Login details
- Configure a WinSCP connection with the FTP details
- This repository should be placed in your /public_html/
- Go to your MySQL controlpanel via simply.com
- Import /app/setup/jesper_hansenberg_dk_db_php_boilerplate.sql
- Simply's phpmyadmin doesn't allow for new database creation
- Simply's controlpanel database creation doesn't allow for character encoding selection
- After creating or importing, make sure to check table and column character encoding via phpmyadmin Php threads probably needs to be restarted to ensure php 8.1 via .htaccess
- Credit to https://github.com/jandaryl/simple-php-boilerplate for initial work, read the readme from the origin to get a better understanding of the project.