composer install
php credy.php
docker build -t credy .
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app credy composer install
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app credy php credy.php
- Given that the job description is available at, then I don't have to be worry about the privacy and secrecy of this puzzle contents.
- Next I crafted a simple starting prompt for the LLM
write a php script, that solves this puzzle Send a POST request to in JSONx format (don't worry, we don't use this format in our daily lives) with the required fields that are listed below:
* first_name | string 255 - your first name
* last_name | string 255 - your last name
* email | string 255, must be a valid email address - your email address we can contact you by
* bio | free text - introduction about yourself and why you would be a great fit for the position
* technologies | array - the technologies you master ex. PHP, HTML, docker
* timestamp | integer - current unix timestamp, deviation of +/-10 seconds is allowed
* signature | string 255 - SHA1 hash of concatenation of current unix timestamp and the word "credy"
* vcs_uri | string 255 - public git repository url where the solution to the puzzle is hosted
- Next I generated a starting boilerplate with public LLM and then copy-pasted the offered solution
- Next I asked about the ambiguities in the puzzle, to make sure, I didn't miss anything
- So, there seems to be a rather large ambiguity in the "JSONx" format. Since the reference is not made to any particular source document, then it might mean JSONx (JSON in XML,, but it could also mean JSONX (JSON with Extensions, both good options, lets poke at the API endpoint, to know which one we have. Since one version is pretty much XML and the other is a superset of JSON, lets try to get some validation errors.
- Found this page, and tried the sample payload from there
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<json:object xmlns:json="" xsi:schemaLocation=" jsonx.xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
<json:array name="fruits">
<json:boolean name="something">true</json:boolean>
"field": "first_name",
"message": "First Name cannot be blank."
"field": "last_name",
"message": "Last Name cannot be blank."
"field": "email",
"message": "Email cannot be blank."
"field": "bio",
"message": "Bio cannot be blank."
"field": "technologies",
"message": "Technologies cannot be blank."
"field": "timestamp",
"message": "Timestamp cannot be blank."
"field": "signature",
"message": "Signature cannot be blank."
"field": "vcs_uri",
"message": "Vcs Uri cannot be blank."
- Which means, that JSONx responds to the XML version of the JSON
- And this confirms, that the endpoint accepts our variables.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<json:object xmlns:json="" xsi:schemaLocation=" jsonx.xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
<json:string name="first_name">Villu</json:string>
- netcat the query locally, to see the output
nc -l 8123 # To see what I'm sending
POST /miniserver.php HTTP/1.1
Host: host.docker.internal:8123
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: 824
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<json:object xmlns:json="" xsi:schemaLocation=" jsonx.xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
<json:string name="first_name">Villu</json:string>
<json:string name="last_name">Orav</json:string>
<json:string name="email">[email protected]</json:string>
<json:string name="bio">TODO:</json:string>
<json:array name="technologies">
<json:number name="timestamp">1708078976</json:number>
<json:string name="signature">d06cff6bc34f2cbe4b6050f3271823a270480b84</json:string>
<json:string name="vcs_uri"></json:string>
- Just to be on the safe side, re-verify the hashing algo
echo -n '1708078976credy' | sha1sum
# d06cff6bc34f2cbe4b6050f3271823a270480b84 -
- OK, so let recap current status:
- JSONx format: check
- valid hash: check
- sending logic: check
- OOP: check
- accidentally fired payload to target before ready: check