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Ignite Shop

Web Application for Ignite Shop

List products and make a purchase with Stripe

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About the project   |    Technologies   |    Getting started   |    How to contribute   |    License

✅ About the project

This project is the fourth ignite Rocketseat challenge from the reactjs study platform.

The user can list products and make a purchase with Stripe.

🚀 Technologies

Technologies that I used to develop this api

💻 Getting started

Clone the project and access the folder

$ git clone && cd ignite-shop

Follow the steps below

# Install the dependencies
$ npm i

# Make a copy of '.env.local.example' to '.env.local' and insert info's strip variables
$ cp .env.local.example .env.local

# To finish, run
$ npm run dev

# Well done, project is started!

🤔 How to contribute

Make a fork of this repository

# Fork using GitHub official command line
# If you don't have the GitHub CLI, use the web site to do that.

$ gh repo fork vilmarsitiodigital/ignite-shop

Follow the steps below

# Clone your fork
$ git clone your-fork-url && cd ignite-shop

# Create a branch with your feature
$ git checkout -b my-feature

# Make the commit with your changes
$ git commit -m 'Feature: My new feature'

# Send the code to your remote branch
$ git push origin my-feature

After your pull request is merged, you can delete your branch

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Made with 💚 by Vilmar Batista 🤝 See my linkedin