teste-front-end-jr Public
Forked from EconverseAG/teste-front-end-jrTeste Front-End Jr
JavaScript UpdatedAug 24, 2023 -
api-smartranking Public
Learning about NestJS (Modules, Decorators and Pipes)
electron-quick-start Public template
Forked from electron/electron-quick-startClone to try a simple Electron app
app-message Public
A message app created to apply my knowledge acquired so far (Front-end and Back-end).
land-sant Public
Landing page developed for Santuario Sara Kali.
blog-code Public
Learning about Authentication and JsonWebToken.
orm-sequelize Public
Learning ORM in Nodejs with Sequelize and MySQL.
landing-page-bot Public
Landing page developed using Angular for the Computing Science Course finalization project.
api-remedios Public
API using NodeJS to provide medicines data from MongoDB Atlas.
todo-list-codeminer42 Public
First challenge of Imerssion Codeminer42 - To Do List using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
cg-uam-triangle Public
Forked from gabsgiacomo/triangulo-cgRepositório das aulas de Computação Gráfica em 2022.
library-node Public
Creation of a REST API to simulate a library. Using NodeJS, MongoDB Atlas and Express.