Edit-owners is a command line tool to help managed the CODEOWNERS files of many GitHub repositories.
This tool is a proof of concept for Kotlin Multiplatform tech and its source code is heavily annotated. Please leave feedback or report any bugs by opening an issue on GitHub.
Get the proper binary for your system on the release page
Authentication with GitHub is done through the use of a Personal Access Token (PAT). Token Guide
./edit-owners \
-t <your GitHub token> \
add -r "org/repo"
Edit-owners currently depends on libcurl which is not bundled with the binary yet(see issue). The use of Git-bash is heavily recommended for now.
Use the --user (-u) flag.
./edit-owners \
-t <your GitHub token> \
add -u "vinsg" \
-r "org/repo"
Use the --file (-f) flag to pass a csv file of repositories with format "owner/firstRepo, owner/secondRepo"
./edit-owners \
-t <your GitHub token> \
add -u "vinsg" \
-f <path to csv file>
Use the create-file command to create a csv file of repositories based on all the GitHub repositories containing @username in their CODEOWNERS file.
./edit-owners \
-t <your GitHub token> \
create-file -u "username"
you can use the -o (--org) flag to narrow the list to only a specific org.
./edit-owners \
-t <your GitHub token> \
create-file -u "username" -g "myOrg"
Use the --file (-f) flag to pass a csv file of repositories with format "owner/firstRepo, owner/secondRepo"
./edit-owners \
-t <your GitHub token> \
remove -u "vinsg" \
-f <path to csv file>
- Kotlin
- Kotlin Multiplatform
- Ktor
- Clikt
- Mordant
- Okio
- Serialization-kotlinx
- Koin
You can generate the table of content for this page
using markdown-toc markdown-toc README.md
This project is licensed under MIT License