- hat tip to @r-dube for best learning rate/batch size and insights re: data prep and neural network architecture.
- Val accuracy 97.7837 at epoch 18 (ran for 35, but think 20 epochs better for performance).
- Standardized features, 1 hidden layer (26 neurons)
- Linear, ReLU, BatchNorm1d, Linear
- Cross Entropy Cost Function
- lr=0.004, decaying at 0.5 every 10 epochs
- bs=8
- Val accuracy 97.1394% at epoch 19
- Standardized features, 1 hidden layer (26 neurons)
- Linear, Sigmoid, BatchNorm1d, Linear, Sigmoid,
- Cross Entropy Cost function
- lr=0.004, decaying at 0.5 every 10 epochs
- bs=8
- Best run: validation accuracy 80%
- Fully connected neural network with one hidden layer (26 hidden neurons)
- Both activation functions are sigmoid
- Cross entropy cost function
- Best run: learning_rate=0.0001, batch_size=500, weight_decay=0, epochs: ~250
- Best run: validation accuracy 96.8%
- Used MinMaxScaler(), but incorrectly because validation data was included in the scaling. Need to rescale using only training data then transform val data based on training data.