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Symbolic-execution-based verifier for the Viper intermediate verification language.


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Silicon is a state-of-the-art, automated verifier based on symbolic execution, and the default verifier of the Viper verification infrastructure. Silicon's input language is the Viper intermediate verification language: a language in the spirit of Microsoft's Boogie, but with a higher level of abstraction and a built-in notation of permissions, which makes Viper well-suited for encoding and verifying properties of sequential and concurrent programs with shared mutable state.

As an example, consider the following simple C++ program, which runs two threads in parallel that increment a shared memory location and that uses a lock to avoid race conditions:

#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <assert.h>

struct Cell {
  int val;

void inc(Cell* c, std::mutex* guard) {
  int t = c->val;
  c->val = t + 1;

int main() {
  Cell* c = new Cell{0};
  std::mutex* guard = new std::mutex();
  std::thread t1 = std::thread(inc, c, guard);
  std::thread t2 = std::thread(inc, c, guard);

  assert(c->val == 2);

  return 0;

Such a program can be encoded in Viper, e.g. using an Owicki-Gries approach as shown below, and Silicon can be used to automatically verify that the shared memory location is indeed modified in an orderly manner.

field val: Int
field t1: Int
field t2: Int

// Monitor/lock invariant associated with the shared cell
// Macro'ed for easy reuse
define guard_INV(c)
  acc(c.val) && acc(c.t1, 1/2) && acc(c.t2, 1/2) &&
  c.val == c.t1 + c.t2

// Precondition of inc
define inc_PRE(c, tid)
  (tid == 0 || tid == 1) &&
  (tid == 0 ? acc(c.t1, 1/2) : acc(c.t2, 1/2))
// Postcondition of inc
define inc_POST(c, tid, oldv)
  tid == 0 ? (acc(c.t1, 1/2) && c.t1 == oldv + 1)
            : (acc(c.t2, 1/2) && c.t2 == oldv + 1)
method inc(c: Ref, tid: Int)
  requires inc_PRE(c, tid)
  ensures  inc_POST(c, tid, tid == 0 ? old(c.t1) : old(c.t2))
  inhale guard_INV(c) // models guard.lock()
  c.val := c.val + 1
  if (tid == 0) { c.t1 := c.t1 + 1 }
  else { c.t2 := c.t2 + 1 }
  exhale guard_INV(c) // models guard.unlock()

method main() {
  var c: Ref
  c := new(val, t1, t2) // allocate real and ghost memory
  c.val := 0
  c.t1 := 0
  c.t2 := 0
  exhale guard_INV(c) // share the cell, i.e. create the guarding mutex
  label pre_fork
  exhale inc_PRE(c, 0) // fork thread 1
  exhale inc_PRE(c, 1) // fork thread 2
  inhale inc_POST(c, 0, old[pre_fork](c.t1)) // join thread 1
  inhale inc_POST(c, 1, old[pre_fork](c.t2)) // join thread 2
  inhale guard_INV(c) // unshare the cell, i.e. destroy the mutex
  assert c.val == 2;

Installation Instructions:

  • Clone silver repository in your computer.
  • Clone silicon (this repository) in your computer, in a separate directory.
  • From within the directory where you installed silicon, create a symbolic link to the directory where you installed silver.
  • On Linux/Mac OS X: ln -s <relative path to diretory where you installed silver> silver
  • On Windows: mklink /D silver <relative path to diretory where you installed silver>
  • Compile by typing: sbt compile

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