CrepDogCrew is a comprehensive sneaker e-commerce platform built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) tech stack. This project features both an admin panel and a user panel, each designed with a set of robust functionalities that enable seamless management and shopping experiences. The project is developed using Vite for fast build times and optimized performance.
The admin panel is designed for efficient management of the website's content and operations. Key features include:
Category and Color Management:
- Admins can add, edit, and delete categories and category images. These categories are dynamically displayed across the user panel.
- Colors for the sneakers can be added, edited, and managed, allowing for a diverse product listing.
Product Management:
- Products can be created by combining categories and colors. Admins can edit and delete products as needed.
- A bestseller feature is available, where specific products can be highlighted as bestsellers.
Order Management:
- A comprehensive dashboard displays all orders placed by users, complete with product details, order dates, order totals, and delivery addresses.
- This data is fetched from the MongoDB database, providing real-time updates to the admin.
Authentication and Security:
- The admin panel is accessible only through a secure login, requiring the correct email and password.
- Environment variables are used to store sensitive information like admin credentials.
File Uploads:
- The Dropzone package is utilized to facilitate image uploads for products directly through the admin panel.
Alerts and Notifications:
- React-Toastify is used to display alerts and messages to the admin, ensuring smooth communication between the backend server and the admin interface.
The user panel is designed to provide a seamless shopping experience. Key features include:
User Registration and Login:
- New users can register, enabling them to store their cart items and access past orders.
- The login feature loads user details, including cart contents and past orders, from the MongoDB database.
Password Security:
- User passwords are securely stored using the Cryptx package, ensuring encryption and secure password matching during login.
- JWT authentication is implemented to generate a stateless token upon user login.
Cart Management:
- Users can add items to their cart, with the cart data being saved in local storage and synced with the MongoDB database.
- Cart contents are preserved across sessions, with seamless transition from local storage to database storage upon login.
Product Browsing and Filtering:
- The landing page features a dynamic display of bestseller items, managed via the admin panel.
- The store page allows users to filter products by categories and colors, with filters being sent through the URL to the backend, enabling persistent filtering even after page refreshes.
Checkout Process:
- Users can manage their cart, adjust quantities, and proceed to checkout.
- The checkout page auto-fills user information and allows for entry of delivery details, which are then stored in the database.
- Orders are stored in the database, containing details such as products, shipping information, order total, payment mode, order status, and transaction ID (via Razorpay API).
Payment Integration:
- Razorpay API is integrated for secure online payments, with transaction details being stored in the database, including payment status.
User Profile Management:
- Users can edit their profile information, which is then updated in the database.
- Past orders are displayed with complete details, allowing users to track their purchase history.
Performance and Responsiveness:
- GSAP and ScrollTrigger are used for smooth animations on the landing page.
- React Slick is used to create responsive sliders for categories on the landing and store pages.
- Lazy loading is implemented for videos on the landing page, ensuring fast loading times.
- The entire platform is responsive, providing a seamless experience across devices.
- Frontend: React, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Vite, GSAP, ScrollTrigger, React Slick, React-Toastify, Dropzone
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose
- Authentication: JWT, Cryptx
- Payment Integration: Razorpay API
- Build Tool: Vite
Enhanced Analytics Dashboard:
- Expand the admin dashboard to include more detailed analytics, such as sales trends, customer demographics, and inventory management.
Wishlist Feature:
- Implement a wishlist feature for users to save products they are interested in but not ready to purchase.
Product Reviews and Ratings:
- Enable users to leave reviews and ratings for products, helping other customers make informed purchasing decisions.
Advanced Filtering Options:
- Add more granular filtering options, such as price ranges, brands, and sizes, to enhance the user experience.
Multi-Language Support:
- Introduce multi-language support to cater to a broader audience.
SEO Optimization:
- Improve SEO for better visibility on search engines, driving more traffic to the website.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies:
cd CrepDogCrew
npm install
- Set up environment variables:
-Create a .env file in the root directory and add the necessary environment variables (e.g., database connection strings, API keys, etc.).
4.Run the development server:
npm run dev
5.Build for production:
npm run build
6.Start the production server:
npm run start
-This will start the application in production mode using the optimized build.
1)Admin Panel:
-Access the admin panel by logging in with
Email : [email protected]
Password : admin123
2)User Panel:
-Users can register, log in, browse products, manage their cart, and complete purchases through the user panel.