Vector Logo Hub is a Next.js application designed to provide a robust platform for searching, browsing, and downloading vector logos (SVG & PNG). It integrates with Supabase for database operations, uses ShadCN UI for styled components, and applies caching (Redis or Node-Cache) to accelerate performance. The front-end is powered by Next.js App Router, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.
- Next.js App Router
Organized by the app directory, facilitating nested routing and improved layouts. - ShadCN UI & Tailwind CSS
Unified component styling from ShadCN UI with Tailwind CSS for building clean and consistent interfaces. - TypeScript
Ensures type safety across the application, reducing runtime errors. - Supabase Integration
Database operations for storing, searching, and retrieving logos with associated metadata. - Caching Layer
- Redis-based caching (
) for logos if the environment supports it. - Node-Cache fallback (
) for ephemeral caching.
- Redis-based caching (
- API Routes
Custom endpoints for on-demand logo transformations, downloads, and searching. - Sitemap Generation
Automated large-scale sitemap generation with pagination for SEO purposes. - Deployment & Configuration
for optimized production
for local development start-up script.
Below is an overview of the complete directory tree with inline comments:
vishnuhimself-vectorlogohub/ // Root directory
├── components.json // ShadCN UI configuration file
├── // Bash script to clean and start local dev server
├── next-env.d.ts // Next.js type declarations (auto-generated)
├── next.config.js // Next.js config (commonJS format)
├── next.config.mjs // Next.js config (ES module format, includes CSP headers)
├── nginx.conf // Sample Nginx configuration for caching, compression
├── package.json // Project dependencies and npm scripts
├── postcss.config.js // PostCSS configuration (commonJS format)
├── postcss.config.mjs // PostCSS configuration (ES module format)
├── tailwind.config.ts // Tailwind CSS configuration in TypeScript
├── tsconfig.json // TypeScript config for the project
├── .eslintrc.json // ESLint configuration for Next.js + TypeScript
├── app/ // Next.js App Router directory
│ ├── globals.css // Global Tailwind and style reset
│ ├── layout.tsx // Main root layout (Header, Footer, Toast)
│ ├── loading.tsx // Root-level loading component for SSR fallback
│ ├── page.tsx // Home page (features hero section and popular logos)
│ ├── robots.ts // Exports `robots.txt` route configuration
│ ├── about/ // `/about` page route
│ │ └── page.tsx // About us content
│ ├── alphabet/ // Directory for listing logos by alphabet
│ │ └── [letter]/ // Dynamic route for each letter
│ │ └── page.tsx // Page logic to fetch & display logos starting with a letter
│ ├── api/ // Custom API endpoints
│ │ ├── download/ // Handles on-demand SVG/PNG file generation
│ │ │ └── [slug]/ // Dynamic route for download slug
│ │ │ └── route.ts // GET route for fetching/converting requested logo
│ │ ├── png/ // Fallback PNG endpoint
│ │ │ └── [slug]/ // Dynamic route for PNG downloads
│ │ │ └── route.ts // Converts logo from SVG to PNG with Sharp
│ │ └── search/ // Search endpoint
│ │ └── route.ts // GET route to query Supabase for matching logos
│ ├── contact/ // `/contact` page route
│ │ └── page.tsx // Contact page content
│ ├── download/ // `/download` route for downloading
│ │ └── [slug]/ // Dynamic route for direct download
│ │ └── page.tsx // UI countdown & triggers to download the file
│ ├── fonts/ // Directory hosting local font files
│ │ ├── GeistMonoVF.woff // Font file
│ │ └── GeistVF.woff // Font file
│ ├── logo/ // Individual logo pages
│ │ └── [slug]/ // Dynamic route for each logo detail page
│ │ └── page.tsx // Displays a single logo, with related and random logos
│ ├── privacy/ // `/privacy` page route
│ │ └── page.tsx // Privacy policy content
│ ├── search/ // `/search` page route
│ │ └── page.tsx // Front-end search page handling results pagination
│ ├── sitemap/ // Dynamic sitemap generation
│ │ └── [id]/ // Generates chunked sitemap sub-files
│ │ └── route.ts // GET route to produce a subset of the sitemap
│ ├── sitemap.xml/ // Main sitemap index route
│ │ └── route.ts // GET route for generating the sitemap index
│ ├── tag/ // Displays logos by tag
│ │ └── [tag]/ // Dynamic route for each tag
│ │ └── page.tsx // Tag listing logic and pagination
│ ├── terms/ // `/terms` page route
│ │ └── page.tsx // Terms of use content
│ └── upload/ // `/upload` page route
│ └── page.tsx // Upload form (iframe to external form service)
├── components/ // UI components
│ ├── download-page.tsx // Countdown-based download UI
│ ├── google-analytics.tsx // Client-side GA integration
│ ├── loading.tsx // Loading placeholder for data fetch states
│ ├── logo-download-page.tsx // Component to display logo details, download links, related logos
│ ├── logo-grid.tsx // Reusable grid for displaying multiple logos
│ ├── pagination.tsx // Client-side pagination component
│ ├── search.tsx // Search box UI with Next router navigation
│ ├── layout/ // Layout components for structure
│ │ ├── footer.tsx // Global footer
│ │ ├── header.tsx // Global header with brand & nav
│ │ ├── root-layout-wrapper.tsx // Wraps main content; adds top-level scroll reset, search header
│ │ └── search-header.tsx // Search bar shown on specific pages
│ └── ui/ // ShadCN UI-based components
│ ├── button.tsx // Button component with variants (default, outline, etc.)
│ ├── dialog.tsx // Dialog component (Radix)
│ ├── dropdown-menu.tsx // Dropdown menu (Radix)
│ ├── input.tsx // Input component
│ ├── progress.tsx // Progress bar component
│ ├── sheet.tsx // Slide-in panel (Radix Sheet)
│ ├── toast.tsx // Toast component
│ ├── toaster.tsx // Toast provider for displaying notifications
│ └── use-toast.ts // Hook for firing toasts
├── data/ // Local data files
│ └── popular-logos.ts // List of popular logo paths used on the home page
├── hooks/ // Custom React hooks
│ ├── use-debounce.ts // Debounce hook for search inputs
│ └── use-toast.ts // Alternative toast hook (similar to components/ui)
├── lib/ // Backend and utility logic
│ ├── cache.ts // Node-Cache-based caching for fallback
│ ├── constants.ts // Constants such as caching durations
│ ├── db.ts // Supabase data fetching, searching, and transformations
│ ├── get-related-logos.ts // Utility for scoring and finding related logos
│ ├── redis.ts // ioredis-based caching logic for environment that supports Redis
│ ├── supabase.ts // Creates the Supabase client
│ └── utils.ts // Helper functions (e.g. `cn`, `toTitleCase`)
├── migration/ // Python migration scripts for populating the Supabase DB
│ ├── // Configuration for connecting to Supabase
│ ├── // Main migration script reading from JSON + inserting records
│ ├── // Recovery script for reprocessing failed logs
│ └── requirements.txt // Python dependencies for migration scripts
├── public/ // Static files (images, SVGs, etc.)
└── types/ // Shared TypeScript type definitions
└── logo.ts // `LogoData` interface definition
- Local Development
- Run
ornpm run dev
to start the local server. - This script also triggers a cache clean before spinning up Next.js.
- Run
- Data Flow
- Frontend Pages query data from
using server components. - Supabase stores logo metadata (title, URL path, tags).
- Caching checks for existing entries in Redis or Node-Cache to quickly return results and reduce database hits.
- Frontend Pages query data from
- Searching & Browsing
- Alphabet route (
) lists logos starting with a particular letter. - Tags route (
) categorizes logos under a specific tag. - Search route (
) uses a custom scoring system to rank results by relevance.
- Alphabet route (
- Downloads
:- Serves original SVG, or optionally converts to PNG of multiple sizes using Sharp.
:- Alternative route for PNG conversion from an existing JSON reference file.
- Sitemap Generation
- Large sets of URLs are chunked into multiple sitemaps under
, etc. - The main sitemap index is at
- Large sets of URLs are chunked into multiple sitemaps under
- Deployment
- Production builds rely on
for caching, compression. - The
includes additional security headers and typed routes.
- Production builds rely on
This concludes the overview and structural documentation for Vector Logo Hub.