A next-generation Scala framework for building scalable, correct, and efficient HTTP clients and servers
Examples of how to build things in Indigo, running the latest release.
JVM - Java, Kotlin, Scala image processing library
A ZIO wrapper to interact with a browser using Selenium.
100% non-blocking, Java NIO only( inspired by zio-nio) , JSON HTTP server based on Scala ZIO library. Everything including TLS encryption modeled as ZIO effects, convenient route DSL similar to htt…
a delightful machine learning tool that allows you to train, test, and use models without writing code
Fast, secure JSON library with tight ZIO integration.
Example running dotty scalajs; uses nodejs to run the output script
Kafka Streams for Scala. Integrates KafkaStreams with the cats-effect ecosystem
Purely Functional Transaction Management In Scala With ZIO
Easily use and document any config from anywhere in ZIO apps
StarCraft II Client - Java library supported on Windows, Linux and Mac designed for building scripted bots and research using the SC2API.
Historical feature requests. Please create new feature requests at
Type-safe and Scala-friendly library over Google Maps.
Country polygons as GeoJSON in a datapackage
TLC is a model checker for specifications written in TLA+. The TLA+Toolbox is an IDE for TLA+.
OS-Lib is a simple, flexible, high-performance Scala interface to common OS filesystem and subprocess APIs
Scala FP configuration library with a focus on runtime clarity