Releases: viti95/FastDoom
Releases · viti95/FastDoom
FastDoom 1.1.2
- Gamma level is now selectable in 0.0625 steps from 0.5 to 2.5
- Smaller executables (~15Kb)
- A bit faster realtime automap updates (issue #229)
- Fix missing entry on display menu for text modes
- Fix enabled cursor in the MDA modes
- Fix CGA color palette (low intensity, red-green-brown) for CGA compatible cards on some systems (wrong BIOS Int 10/AH=0Bh/BH=00h)
FastDoom 1.1.1
FastDoom 1.1.0
- Add hicolor/truecolor support for VBE2 backbuffered modes (15-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit)
- ASM optimized routines for linear VBE2 backbuffered modes (hicolor and truecolor)
- Better initialization for VESA modes (use linear modes whenever possible)
FastDoom 1.0.9
- Yamaha TG300 support (thanks @discatte !!)
- Updated script, it's now possible to build FastDoom on ARM64 CPUs. Tested on my trusty old Raspberry Pi 3B. Also a bit faster builds on x86_64 CPUs.
FastDoom 1.0.8
- Fixed Pro Audio Spectrum 16 sound playback (#221)
FastDoom 1.0.7
- Yamaha MU80 support
- Removed the -mt32 and -sc55 command line parameters, MIDI device selection is now handled via FDSETUP
FastDoom 1.0.6
- MIDI SysEx support (MPU401, LPT MIDI, RS232 MIDI and Sound Blaster MIDI)
- Roland MT-32 support (via -mt32 command line parameter)
- Roland SC-55 support (via -sc55 command line parameter)
- Show song titles on MT-32 and SC-55 devices
FastDoom 1.0.5
- Fixed "Uncapped FPS" menu option in text modes
FastDoom 1.0.4
FastDoom 1.0.3
- Optimized rendering of sky and player sprite in 320x200 and 320x240 modes
- Added support for id Anthology versions of TNT and Plutonia
- Removed -bfg command line (not supported officially)
- Updated development environment script so it doesn't fail on VoidLinux