A fast, no frills collection of TeXt uTiLities (thus txtl). Generates a purely static webpage, all data is processed locally.
Check it out at https://viveksjain.github.io/txtl/
- Autodetect mode - tries to figure out which of the modes below to use based on the text you paste in
- Text diff - shows side-by-side diff view. (Click on the right pane and hit Cmd-V or Ctrl-V to paste and automatically switch to this mode.)
- JSON pretty print
- Unix epoch time parsing (supports seconds and milliseconds since epoch)
- Number conversion between decimal, hex, octal and binary (to convert from the latter three, start your number with 0x, 0o or 0b, respectively)
- URL encoding/decoding
- Base64 encoding/decoding
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run development server
npm run dev
To build a version for production, run npm run build