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The Tanda App is a Ruby on Rails application that allows users to set savings goals and track them collaboratively with friends and family, promoting financial accountability and transparency within groups, powered by cryptocurrency wallets.

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Table of Contents


  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd tanda

  3. Install the required gems: bundle install

  4. Set up the database: rails db:setup

  5. Start the Rails server: rails server

  6. Open your browser and navigate to: http://localhost:3000


Environment Variables

Ensure the following environment variables are set up in a .env file or in your deployment environment: API_KEY_NAME=<Your API Key Name> API_KEY_PRIVATE_KEY=<Your API Private Key>

Database Configuration

  1. Verify and update config/database.yml with the correct database credentials if necessary.
  2. Run the following commands to set up the database:
    rails db:create
    rails db:migrate
    rails db:seed or rake sample_data


  1. Start the Rails server: rails server

  2. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 Follow the on-screen instructions to use the application


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch)
  5. Open a pull request

Visual Aids



API Implementation

This project integrates with the Coinbase API to provide wallet creation, funding, and cryptocurrency transfers. These functionalities ensure secure and efficient cryptocurrency transaction handling.


To use the API, ensure the following environment variables are set:



Create Wallet

  • Description: Creates a wallet for the user.
  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /users/:id/create_wallet
  • Request Body: None
  • Response:
      "status": "success",
      "wallet_id": "mock_wallet_id",
      "balance": 0

Fund Wallet

  • Description: Adds testnet funds to the user's wallet.
  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /users/:id/fund_wallet
  • Request Body: None
  • Response:
      "status": "success",
      "transaction_hash": "<transaction_hash>",
      "transaction_link": "<transaction_link>",
      "balance": "<new_balance>"

Transfer Funds

  • Description: Transfers cryptocurrency to a recipient's wallet.
  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /users/:id/transfer
  • Request Body:
      "amount": "<amount>",
      "currency": "eth",
      "recipient_address": "<recipient_address>",
      "tanda_id": "<tanda_id>"
  • Response Body:
      "status": "success",
      "transaction_link": "<transaction_link>",
      "updated_balance": "<updated_balance>"

End-to-End Testing

This project includes end-to-end tests to validate key workflows and ensure robust application functionality. The tests are implemented using Minitest and are designed to simulate real-world usage scenarios.

Coinbase Wallet Functionality Tests

  • Create Wallet: Ensures a new wallet is successfully created and associated with the user.
  • Fund Wallet: Validates the wallet funding process via a testnet faucet, ensuring the user's balance updates correctly.
  • Transfer Funds: Tests transferring funds to another wallet address, verifying balance updates and transaction success.

Tanda Application Workflow Tests

  • Profile and Friend Management: Confirms a user profile can be created and friend requests can be sent and accepted.
  • Tanda Creation and Participation: Ensures users can create a Tanda with a defined goal amount and due date, and validates the addition of participants.
  • Transaction Management: Tests adding transactions to a Tanda, ensuring amounts, descriptions, and transaction types are recorded accurately.

Test Details

  • The Coinbase functionality tests are implemented in test/controllers/coinbase_api_test.rb.
  • The Tanda application flow tests are implemented in test/controllers/tanda_flow_test.rb.

How to Run the Tests

To execute the test suite, run the following command: rails test


Common Issues

  1. Database Setup Issues: Ensure your PostgreSQL service is running and credentials are correctly configured in config/database.yml.

  2. Missing API Keys: Verify that API_KEY_NAME and API_KEY_PRIVATE_KEY are set in the environment.

  3. Server Not Starting: Run rails db:migrate to ensure the database schema is up-to-date.


  • Transfers show up on the transactions, converted to USD! :D Will add withdrawal functionality at a later date
  • The Coinbase API provides a playground environment with a faucet to help test out wallet functionality
  • The ETH and other assets obtained in this environment hold no real-world monetary value and are intended for testing purposes only
  • Only Ethereum (ETH) is supported for transactions. Future updates will include a gasless option to minimize transaction costs and support for stablecoins to provide a more predictable payment option.
  • Encryption for user data has not been implemented yet but is planned for a future update to ensure privacy and security


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Vivian Davila - [email protected] Project Link: GitHub Repository


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