Manages the logrotate package and provides a definition to manage application specific logrotate configuration.
Should work on any platform that includes a 'logrotate' package and writes logrotate configuration to /etc/logrotate.d. Tested on Ubuntu, Debian and Red Hat/CentOS.
Generates and controls a global /etc/logrotate.conf
file that will include
additional files generated by the logrotate_app
definition (see below). The
contents of the configuration file is controlled through node attributes under
. The default attributes are based on the
configuration from the Ubuntu logrotate package.
To define a valueless directive (e.g. compress
, copy
) simply add an attribute
named for the directive with a truthy value :
node['logrotate']['global']['compress'] = 'any value here'
Note that defining a valueless directive with a falsey value will not make it false, but will remove it:
# Removes a defaulted 'compress' directive; does not add a 'nocompress' directive.
node.override['logrotate']['global']['compress'] = false
To fully overrride a booleanish directive like compress
, you should probably
remove the positive form and add the negative form:
node.override['logrotate']['global']['compress'] = false
node.override['logrotate']['global']['nocompress'] = true
The same is true of frequency directives; to be certain the frequency directive you want is included in the global configuration, you should override the ones you don't want as false:
%w[ daily, weekly, yearly ].do |freq|
node.override['logrotate']['global'][freq] = false
node.override['logrotate']['global']['monthly'] = true
To define a parameter with a value (e.g. create
, mail
) add an attribute
with the desired value:
node['logrotate']['global']['create'] = '0644 root adm'
To define a path stanza in the global configuration (generally unneeded because
of the logrotate_app
definition) just add an attribute with the path as the
name and a hash containing directives and parameters as described above:
node['logrotate']['global']['/var/log/wtmp'] = {
'missingok' => true,
'monthly' => true,
'create' => '0660 root utmp',
'rotate' => 1
, prerotate
, postrotate
, and lastaction
scripts can be defined either
as arrays of the lines to put in the script or multiline strings:
node['logrotate']['global']['/var/log/foo/*.log'] = {
'missingok' => true,
'monthly' => true,
'create' => '0660 root adm',
'rotate' => 1,
'prerotate' => [ 'service foo start_rotate', 'logger started foo service log rotation' ],
'postrotate' => <<-EOF
service foo end_rotate
logger completed foo service log rotation
This definition can be used to drop off customized logrotate config files on a per application basis.
The definition takes the following params:
- path: specifies a single path (string) or multiple paths (array) that should have logrotation stanzas created in the config file. No default, this must be specified.
- enable: true/false, if true it will create the template in /etc/logrotate.d.
- frequency: sets the frequency for rotation. Default value is 'weekly'. Valid values are: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, see the logrotate man page for more information.
- size: Log files are rotated when they grow bigger than size bytes.
- template: sets the template source, default is "logrotate.erb".
- cookbook: select the template source from the specified cookbook. By default it will use the cookbook where the definition is used.
- create: creation parameters for the logrotate "create" config, follows the form "mode owner group". This is an optional parameter, and is nil by default.
- postrotate: lines to be executed after the log file is rotated
- prerotate: lines to be executed before the log file is rotated
- sharedscripts: if true, the sharedscripts options is specified which makes sure prescript and postscript commands are run only once (even if multiple files match the path)
See USAGE below.
The default recipe will ensure logrotate is always up to date.
To create application specific logrotate configs, use the
definition. For example, to rotate logs for a tomcat
application named myapp that writes its log file to
logrotate_app "tomcat-myapp" do
cookbook "logrotate"
path "/var/log/tomcat/myapp.log"
frequency "daily"
rotate 30
create "644 root adm"
To rotate multiple logfile paths, specify the path as an array:
logrotate_app "tomcat-myapp" do
cookbook "logrotate"
path [ "/var/log/tomcat/myapp.log", "/opt/local/tomcat/catalina.out" ]
frequency "daily"
create "644 root adm"
rotate 7
To specify which logrotate options, specify the options as an array:
logrotate_app "tomcat-myapp" do
cookbook "logrotate"
path "/var/log/tomcat/myapp.log"
options ["missingok", "delaycompress", "notifempty"]
frequency "daily"
rotate 30
create "644 root adm"
- Author:: Scott M. Likens ([email protected])
- Author:: Joshua Timberman ([email protected])
- Copyright:: 2009, Scott M. Likens
- Copyright:: 2011-2012, Opscode, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.