Student Daily Log Form
The concept: As a developer I am always looking to solve everyday problems that surround me, during my time at the ICT-Academy I saw how challenging it is for trainers to manage the attendance of students and their continuous late coming, I therefore decided to create a daily login form that will work in conjunction with the already existing biometrics.
The purpose: The purpose of the app is to deploy a system to the students that requires them to fill in a daily attendance form that will record their information digitally to a word document (eventually to a database). The information includes name, surname, lab to which the student belongs, and a selfie pic amongst other fields.
Addirional notes. In the instance that an exception occurs, throw an exception handler that will catch the exception then create a finally block that will stop execution of the remainder of the code blocks of the app, but not close the app, instead it should display a messagebox that specifies the missing field(s), then it should continue running the app until all information is correctly field in. then only should all information be submitted to the respective directory.