on the bus
app-fmriprep Public
Forked from brainlife/app-fmriprepfMRIPrep is a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data preprocessing pipeline that is designed to provide an easily accessible, state-of-the-art interface that is robust to variations in s…
Shell MIT License UpdatedNov 8, 2022 -
app-QWarp Public
runs AFNI's 3dQwarp function over a NIfTI file
app-skullStrip Public
brainlife app - runs AFNI's skullstrip function on NIfTI files
allegheny county 2021 election data
city-scrapers-pitt Public
Forked from pgh-public-meetings/city-scrapers-pittPittsburgh City Scrapers project
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 26, 2020 -
LIFELAB_Website Public
Forked from LIFELab-pitt/LIFELAB_WebsiteRepository to make updates on lab website:
HTML UpdatedMar 5, 2020 -
food-access-map Public
Forked from CodeForPittsburgh/food-access-mapJavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2020 -
food-access-map-data Public
Forked from CodeForPittsburgh/food-access-map-dataData for the food access map
R MIT License UpdatedDec 5, 2019 -