Goal of example is to show how create reactive REST services on Typesafe stack with Akka and Slick.
Example contains complete REST service for entity interaction.
- CRUD operations
- Entity partial updates
- CORS support
- Implemented authentication by token directive
- Test coverage with ScalaTest
- Migrations with FlyWay
- Ready for Docker
- JDK 7+ (e.g. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html);
- sbt (http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Getting-Started/Setup.html);
- PostgreSQL server
You can get this example through Activator. For more information please use following url that explains how to get this template on your computer step-by-step: https://www.typesafe.com/activator/template/akka-http-rest
- Create database in PostgresSQL
- Set database settings on application config or set enviroment variables
There are two config files. Application config src/main/resources/application.conf
and test config src/test/resources/application.conf
- database url by schemejdbc:postgresql://host:port/database-name
- database userPSQL_PASSWORD
- database password
To run application, call:
sbt run
If you wanna restart your application without reloading of sbt, use:
sbt re-start
For launching application in Docker, you must configure database docker instance and run docker image, generated by sbt.
Generating application docker image and publishing on localhost:
sbt docker:publishLocal
Example of running, generated docker image:
docker run --name restapi -e DB_USER=dbuser -e DB_PASSWORD=dbpass -e DB_NAME=dbname -d --link DATABASE_INSTANCE_NAME:database -p 9090:9000 APPLICATION_IMAGE
- name of your Postgresql docker instanceAPPLICATION_IMAGE
- id or name of application docker image
To run tests, call:
sbt test
Application deployed on heroku and can be accessed by URL http://akka-http-rest.herokuapp.com/. First request can take some time, because heroku launch up project.
You can see documentation for this example on Apiary.
Copyright (C) 2015 Arthur Kushka.
Distributed under the MIT License.