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vnvdvc committed Aug 24, 2017
0 parents commit 368824b
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Showing 4 changed files with 317 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
# linear_opt
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import csv, subprocess

num_of_mutants = 4
initials = reversed(range(2**num_of_mutants))
for index in initials:
qsub_command = """qsub -v INDEX={} myscript""".format(index)
exit_status =,shell=True)
if exit_status is 1:
print "Job {} failed to submit".format(qsub_command)
print "Done submitting jobs!"
288 changes: 288 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
import scipy,time,sys
from scipy.integrate import quad
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
#global parameters&variables
#cutoff is the highest order of hermite functions used as basis functions, so the matrix has rank cutoff+1

#return the basis function divided by (1/2pi)**0.5*exp(-1/4*x**2)
def basis(n):
pref = 1/((2**n)*np.math.factorial(n))**0.5
hnz = scipy.special.hermite(n).c
xn = np.zeros(n+1)
for order in range(n+1):
xn[order] = (np.sqrt(2))**(-n+order)
return pref*np.poly1d(hnz*xn)

# 1st argument is np.poly1d, the polynomial is in the order of (x-x0)
# turn np.poly1d into a real polynomial function
def polynomial(x,poly,x0=0):
coeffs = poly.c
rank = len(coeffs)
results = 0
for order in range(rank):
results += coeffs[order] * (x-x0)**(rank-order-1)
return results

# integrate two basis functions, or derivatives of basis functions
def basis_integral(fun1,fun2):
def __poly(x):
return polynomial(x,fun1*fun2,x0=0)
distribution = norm()
expectation = distribution.expect(__poly)
if expectation < accuracy:
return 0.0
return expectation

# return the linear coefficients of fun as expansion of basis functions,
# the fun has to have the same exponent as the basis function
def linear_expansion(fun,cutoff):
coeffs = []
for n in range(cutoff+1):
return np.array(coeffs)

# calculate the nth order derivative of a gaussian with center=0, and sigma
# return the polynomial of the derivative
def derivative_of_gaussian(sigma,n):
hnz = scipy.special.hermite(n).c
xn = np.zeros(n+1)
for order in range(n+1):
xn[order] = (np.sqrt(2)*sigma)**(-n+order)
return np.poly1d((-1)**n*(np.sqrt(2)*sigma)**(-n)*(hnz*xn))

def liouville(tauD,cutoff):
harmonic = np.poly1d([0.25,0.0,-0.5])
matrix = np.zeros((cutoff+1,cutoff+1))
for n in range(cutoff+1):
base = basis(n)
rhs = (-1)*np.polyder(base,m=2) + harmonic*base
rhs += (-2)*np.polyder(base,m=1)*derivative_of_gaussian(np.sqrt(2),1)
rhs = rhs + (-1)*(derivative_of_gaussian(np.sqrt(2),2) * base)
matrix[:,n] = linear_expansion(rhs,cutoff)
return matrix/float(tauD)

# param_list is in the order of nu,alpha,xc
def fet(param_list,cutoff):
if len(param_list) == 3:
nu,alpha,xc = param_list
raise ValueError("fet: Wrong number of parameters! Check whether the right model is used!")
matrix = np.zeros((cutoff+1,cutoff+1))
norm_const = nu*np.exp(-alpha*xc**2/(2*alpha+1))/np.sqrt(1+2*alpha)
dist = norm(2*alpha*xc/(2*alpha+1),1/np.sqrt(2*alpha+1))
for n in range(cutoff+1):
rbase = basis(n)
for m in range(cutoff+1):
if m < n:
lbase = basis(m)
matrix[m,n] = dist.expect(lambda x:polynomial(x,poly=lbase*rbase,x0=0))
if matrix[m,n] < accuracy:
matrix[m,n] = 0.0
if n != m:
matrix[n,m] = matrix[m,n]
return matrix*norm_const

#Return the bases of the model, and constant vectors, W0j and Ibj
class Initialize(object):
def get_bases(self):
bases = []
for n in range(self.cutoff+1):
return bases
def get_W0j(self):
W0j = np.zeros(self.cutoff+1)
dist = norm()
for n in range(self.cutoff+1):
W0j[n] = 1/(2*np.pi)**0.25*dist.expect(lambda x: polynomial(x,self.bases[n],x0=-self.x0))
if W0j[n] < accuracy:
W0j[n] = 0.0
return W0j
def get_Ibj(self):
Ibj = np.zeros(self.cutoff+1)
dist = norm()
for n in range(self.cutoff+1):
Ibj[n] = (2*np.pi)**0.25*dist.expect(lambda x: polynomial(x,self.bases[n],x0=0))
if Ibj[n] < accuracy:
Ibj[n] = 0.0
return Ibj
def __init__(self,x0,cutoff):
self.x0 = x0
self.cutoff = cutoff
self.bases = self.get_bases()
self.W0j = self.get_W0j()
self.Ibj = self.get_Ibj()

#param_list = [nu,alpha,xc] for fet
class Model(object):
def get_qt(self):
lams,eigVecs = scipy.linalg.eigh(self.h)
coeff_vec =,eigVecs)*,eigVecs)
def qt(t):
results = 0
for idx,lam in enumerate(lams):
if lam.imag != 0.0:
raise ValueError("Model.get_qt: Imaginary eigenvalue encountered!")
results += coeff_vec[idx]*np.exp(-lam.real*t)
return results/np.sum(coeff_vec)
return qt
def get_loss(self,data):
self.loss = np.sum((self.qt(data[:,0])-data[:,1])**2)
#idx in the restricted set will have zero value in the corresponding idx of grads
#For example, if the value of nu is fixed for this mutant, then restricted = [0]
def get_grads(self,data,restricted=[]):
times = data[:,0]
grads = []
temp = self.qt(times)-data[:,1]
for idx in range(len(self.param_list)):
if idx in restricted:
params = self.param_list
dparam = params[idx]*epsilon
params[idx] += dparam
qtNew = Model(self.tauD,params,self.initialize,et_model=self.et_model).qt
dqt = 2*(qtNew(times)-self.qt(times))/dparam
self.grads = np.array(grads)
def __init__(self,taud,param_list,initialize,et_model=fet):
self.tauD = taud
self.param_list = param_list
self.et_model = et_model
self.initialize = initialize
self.cutoff = initialize.cutoff
self.h = liouville(taud,self.cutoff) + et_model(param_list,self.cutoff)
self.W0j = initialize.W0j
self.Ibj = initialize.Ibj
self.qt = self.get_qt()

#param_lists is a 1-dimensional list with length 3*num_of_mutants
#param_lists are in the order of (nu,alpha,xc) for each mutant
#initParamValues are the initial values of param_lists
#bounds are the lower and upper bounds of param_lists, with lower = upper meaning the parameter is fixed
#datasets: real data for all mutants
#initialization: list of class Initialize, [Initialize(+),Initialize(-)]
#x0s for mutants.
class Opt(object):
def __init__(self,taud,initParamValues,bounds,datasets,initialization,x0s,et_model=fet):
self.num_of_mutants = len(datasets)
self.num_of_param_per_mutant = len(initParamValues)/self.num_of_mutants
if len(initParamValues)%self.num_of_mutants != 0:
raise ValueError("Opt.init: Length of param_lists,{} does not match number of datasets,{} !"
if len(bounds) != len(initParamValues):
raise ValueError("Opt.init: Length of bounds,{} does not match number of parameters,{} !"
self.plusInit = initialization[0]
self.minusInit = initialization[1]
self.initValues = initParamValues
self.datasets = datasets
self.bounds = bounds
self.tauD = taud
self.et_model = et_model
self.x0s = x0s
def get_loss(self,param_lists):
total = 0.0
self.models = []
param_num = self.num_of_param_per_mutant
for idx in range(self.num_of_mutants):
if self.x0s[idx] > 0:
model = Model(self.tauD,param_lists[param_num*idx:param_num*idx+param_num],self.plusInit,et_model=self.et_model)
model = Model(self.tauD,param_lists[param_num*idx:param_num*idx+param_num],self.minusInit,et_model=self.et_model)
total += model.loss
return total/self.num_of_mutants
#The gradient of nu of each mutant is the same, since they have the same value of nu
def get_grads(self,param_lists):
start = time.clock()
param_num = self.num_of_param_per_mutant
grads = np.zeros(param_num*self.num_of_mutants)
dnu = 0.0
for mutant_idx in range(self.num_of_mutants):
restricted = []
for idx in range(param_num):
l,u = self.bounds[param_num*mutant_idx+idx]
if l == u:
grads[param_num*mutant_idx:param_num*mutant_idx+param_num] = self.models[mutant_idx].grads
dnu += self.models[mutant_idx].grads[0]
dnu = dnu/self.num_of_mutants
for mutant_idx in range(self.num_of_mutants):
grads[param_num*mutant_idx] = dnu
if len(grads) != len(param_lists):
raise ValueError("Opt.get_grads: Length of grads,{} does not match number of parameters,{} !"
return np.array(grads)

def scenario(x0s,index):
taud = 2.6
num_of_mutants = 4
initParams = np.zeros(3*num_of_mutants)
bounds = [(0.01,3.76),(0.01,1.0),(0.001,10.0)]*num_of_mutants
initialization = [Initialize(x0,cutoff),Initialize(-x0,cutoff)]
threshold = 0.0001
max_epoch = 5
results = []
loss = 100.0
epoch = 0
while loss > threshold and epoch < max_epoch:
for idx in range(num_of_mutants):
rands = np.random.random_sample((3,))
if idx == 0:
initNu = rands[0]
initParams[3*idx:3*idx+3] = np.array([initNu,rands[1],rands[2]*5])
if epoch == 0:
if index == 0:
initParams = np.array([0.9487,0.5159,0.6198,0.9487,0.97,0.92,0.95,0.55,1.26,0.95,0.23,1.86])
if index == 5:
initParams = np.array([1.51,1.00,1.07,1.51,1.00,0.70,1.51,0.17,2.96,1.51,0.60,1.57])
opt = Opt(taud,initParams,bounds,datas,initialization,x0s)
mins, loss, __ = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(opt.get_loss,initParams,fprime=opt.get_grads,bounds=opt.bounds,factr=1e7,iprint=0)
with open(folder+"results_{}_2nd.txt".format(index),"a+") as out:
out.write("Initial condition x0s:{}\n".format(x0s))
print "initial condition x0s:{}".format(x0s)
print "Parameters:{}".format(mins)
print "loss:{}".format(loss)
epoch += 1
return results

if __name__ == "__main__":
accuracy = 1e-10
epsilon = 1e-8
#Trial 1:loss = 0.264, nu=0.5420, alpha=0.01, xc=0.001, x0=0.99 x0s=[++++]
#Trial 2: loss=0.281 [0.517,0.01,0.001,0.517,0.01,2.73,0.517,0.01,0.001,0.517,0.01,0.001] x0=0.86 x0s=[++++]
#read data
cutoff = 10
folder = "./"
mutant_files = ["y98r.txt","y98h.txt","y98a.txt","y98f.txt"]
datas = []
for filename in mutant_files:
with open(folder+filename,"r") as inp:
data = []
for line in inp:
nums = line[:-1].split()
x0 = 0.86
x0s = [x0]*4
x0s_list = []
for i in [+1,-1]:
for j in [+1,-1]:
for k in [+1,-1]:
for l in [+1,-1]:
index = int(sys.argv[1])

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions myscript
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -N linear_opt_python
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -N x0_${INDEX}
#PBS -o results_${INDEX}.out
if [ ! -f "$TMPDIR/y98a.txt" ]; then
cp coding/fld/* $TMPDIR
module load python/2.7
source activate sklearn
python ${INDEX}
if [ -f "./results_${INDEX}_2nd.txt" ]; then
cp ./results_${INDEX}_2nd.txt $PBS_O_WORKDIR

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