Slowjam is an easy to use application tracer for python.
Listen to this:
>>> import requests
>>> from slowjam.trace import span
>>> from slowjam.context import slowjam_context
>>> slowjam_context.start('my_application', extras={'http': True})
>>> with span('listen', extras={'deylay': 3}):
>>> resp = requests.get('')
>>> with span('request.origin'):
>>> origin = resp.json().get('origin')
>>> origin.split('.')
>>> profile = slowjam_context.stop()
>>> if profile:
>>> print ''
>>> print unicode(profile)
>>> print ''
time exec time event
----------- ----------- ------------------------------
0 ms + my_application [http=True]
0 ms | + listen [deylay=3]
8039 ms (+ 0 ms) | | = request.decode
(+ 8039 ms) | +
(+ 8039 ms) +
Slowjam makes it easy to start getting feedback quick, but with some extra effort it seamlessly integrates with other monitoring tools such as statsd, graphite, and logstash.
- Application Tracing
- Function timing
- Usable output
- Graphite Integration
- OpenTracing. PR's welcome
To install Slowjam, simply:
$ pip install slowjam
This was originially open-sourced by in their open source version of Alpha.