Framework for microservices.
Otter is framework for creating microservices in Flask like fassion using RPC communication via message queue. Its built in top of kiwiPy library.
Simple Otter application looks liks this.
from otter import Otter
import hashlib
import time
app = Otter()
def example_broadcast(comm, body, sender, subject, correlation_id):
print(f"Received {body}")
def example_task(comm, delay):
print(f"Done waiting {delay} seconds")
def example_hash(comm, data):
return {
"result": hashlib.sha256(
}"amqp://guest:[email protected]/", debug=True)
You can communicate with Otter application using Client
from otter import Client
client = Client("amqp://guest:[email protected]/")
if client.comm:
# Broadcast message to anyone who listens
client.broadcast("otter", subject="message.send")
# Send task to remote worker
client.task("example.task", 5)
# Send rpc request to hash "otter" and wait for the result
data = client.rpc("example.hash", "otter").result()
You can use Flask like blueprints in order to organize and split your application into different modules.
from otter import Blueprint
blueprint = Blueprint()
def example_hash(comm, data):
return {"result": "Hello world from blueprint!"}
After that blueprint can be initialized using register_blueprint
In most cases you will use JSON to communicate between your microservices, thats why Otter has built in decorator @use_args
which uses Marshmallow for data validation.
from marshmallow import fields, validate
from otter.decorators import use_args
login_args = {
"password": fields.Str(required=True, validate=validate.Length(min=8)),
"email": fields.Email(required=True)
def login(comm, data):
return {"args": data}
This is experimental software, any contributions are welcome!