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It is a powershell module for finding scheduled tasks and system services on a local or remote computer that are created or run as a given user.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local computer for development and testing purposes.

Install module

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet:

Install-Module -Name Find-TaskServiceUser

Command to install in current user's directory, $home\Documents\PowerShell\Modules:

Install-Module -Name Find-TaskServiceUser -Scope CurrentUser


Example 1

Find system services and scheduled tasks on "WSRV00" for user "BobbyK" with logging output to a file:

PS> Find-TaskServiceUser -Computer "WSRV00" -User "BobbyK" -Service -Task -Log

Example 2

Find system services and scheduled tasks on computers "WSRV01", "WSRV02" for user "Administrator":

PS> "WSRV01","WSRV02" | Find-TaskServiceUser -Service -Task

Example 3

Find system services and scheduled tasks on computers "WSRV01", "WSRV02", "WSRV03" for user "BobbyK":

PS> @("WSRV01","WSRV02"), "WSRV03" | Find-TaskServiceUser -Task -User "BobbyK"

Example 4

Find tasks and services on conputer "WSRV04" for "SYSTEM" user and return a minimalistic result as custom object $data:

PS> $data = Find-TaskServiceUser -Task -Service -Server "WSRV04" -User "SYSTEM" -Minimal
PS> $data

Example 5

Find tasks and services on computer "WSRV04" for "JohnK" user. Display results and save it as object in XML file. Import object data from XML and display tasks and services separately:

PS> Find-TaskServiceUser -Task -Service -Server "WSRV04" -User "JohnK" -Export
PS> $object = Import-Clixml "D:\dane\voytas\Dokumenty\Find-TaskServiceUser.XML"
PS> $object.Tasks
PS> $object.Services


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


Module icon made by Freepik from Flaticon is licensed CC 3.0 BY


Wojciech Napierała - Initial work - Voytas75

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details