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NATS - Streaming Java Client

A Java client for the NATS streaming platform.

License Apache 2.0 Build Status Coverage Status Maven Central Javadoc

A Note on Versions

This is version 2.2.3 of the Java NATS streaming library. This version is a port to version 2.x of the Java NATS library and contains breaking changes due to the way the underlying library handles exceptions, especially timeouts. For 2.1.6 we are renaming this repo to

As of 2.1.6 the NATS server is undergoing a rename, as are the NATS repositories.

The new version minimizes threads. Only one thread is used for all callbacks, by relying on a dispatcher in the underlying NATS connection. If you want to deliver in multiple threads, you can use multiple StreamingConnections on the same underlying NATS connection. This reduces total thread usage while allowing callbacks to work independently. See Sharing A NATS Connection.

One big change is the move to gradle, and away from maven, as with the NATS library. Please see the instructions below for Building From Source. The maven artifacts are still available in the same place, so should be usable without changing your application build files.

Previous versions are still available in the repo.

As of version 2.2.0 the way StreamingConnectionFactory should be used has changed and accessors on that class are deprecated. Instead create an Options.Builder, set the attributes there and assign that options builder to a connection factory with setOptions or use the new constructor. New properties will only be added to the options class and not replicated here. The existing accessors work, but should be moved away from.

2.2.0 also introduces the ConnectionLostHandler. The connection will ping the streaming server, if it supports the protocol, to make sure it is up. This helps identify the cases where NATS is running the but the streaming server was lost.


The nats streaming client requires two jar files to run, the java nats library and the streaming library. See Building From Source for details on building the library.

Downloading the Jar

You can download the latest NATS client jar at

You can download the latest java nats streaming jar at

Using Gradle

The NATS client is available in the Maven central repository, and can be imported as a standard dependency in your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.nats:java-nats-streaming:2.2.3'

If you need the latest and greatest before Maven central updates, you can use:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
    maven {
        url ""

Using Maven

The NATS client is available on the Maven central repository, and can be imported as a normal dependency in your pom.xml file:


If you need the absolute latest, before it propagates to maven central, you can use the repository:


For snapshot releases, you'll need to add the following repository to your pom.xml:


Linux Platform Note

NATS uses RNG to generate unique inbox names. A peculiarity of the JDK on Linux (see JDK-6202721 and JDK-6521844) causes Java to use /dev/random even when /dev/urandom is called for. The net effect is that successive calls to newInbox(), either directly or through calling request() will become very slow, on the order of seconds, making many applications unusable if the issue is not addressed. A simple workaround would be to use the following jvm args.

Basic Usage

// Create a connection factory
StreamingConnectionFactory cf = new StreamingConnectionFactory("test-cluster", "bar");

// A StreamingConnection is a logical connection to the NATS streaming
// server.  This API creates an underlying core NATS connection for
// convenience and simplicity.  In most cases one would create a secure
// core NATS connection and pass it in via
// StreamingConnectionFactory.setNatsConnection(Connection nc)
StreamingConnection sc = cf.createConnection();

// This simple synchronous publish API blocks until an acknowledgement
// is returned from the server.  If no exception is thrown, the message
// has been stored in NATS streaming.
sc.publish("foo", "Hello World".getBytes());

// Use a countdown latch to wait for our subscriber to receive the
// message we published above.
final CountDownLatch doneSignal = new CountDownLatch(1);

// Simple Async Subscriber that retrieves all available messages.
Subscription sub = sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received a message: %s\n", new String(m.getData()));
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().deliverAllAvailable().build());


// Unsubscribe to clean up

// Close the logical connection to NATS streaming

Subscription Start (i.e. Replay) Options

NATS Streaming subscriptions are similar to NATS subscriptions, but clients may start their subscription at an earlier point in the message stream, allowing them to receive messages that were published before this client registered interest. The options are described with examples below:

// Subscribe starting with most recently published value
sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received a message: %s\n", m.getData());
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().startWithLastReceived().build());

// Receive all stored values in order
sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received a message: %s\n", m.getData());
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().deliverAllAvailable().build());

// Receive messages starting at a specific sequence number
sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received a message: %s\n", m.getData());
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().startAtSequence(22).build());

// Subscribe starting at a specific time
Instant startTime =, ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received a message: %s\n", m.getData());
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().startAtTime(startTime).build());

// Subscribe starting a specific amount of time in the past (e.g. 30 seconds ago)
Duration ago = Duration.ofSeconds(90);
sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received a message: %s\n", m.getData());
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().startAtTimeDelta(ago).build());

Durable Subscriptions

Replay of messages offers great flexibility for clients wishing to begin processing at some earlier point in the data stream. However, some clients just need to pick up where they left off from an earlier session, without having to manually track their position in the stream of messages. Durable subscriptions allow clients to assign a durable name to a subscription when it is created. Doing this causes the NATS Streaming server to track the last acknowledged message for that clientID + durable name, so that only messages since the last acknowledged message will be delivered to the client.

StreamingConnection sc = new StreamingConnectionFactory("test-cluster", "client-123").createConnection();

// Subscribe with a durable name
sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received a message: %s\n", m.getData());
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().durableName("my-durable").build());

// The client receives message sequence 1-40, then disconnects.

// Meanwhile more messages are published to subject "foo"

// Here the client reconnects with same clientID "client-123"
sc = new StreamingConnectionFactory("test-cluster", "client-123").createConnection();

// client re-subscribes to "foo" with same durable name "my-durable"
sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received a message: %s\n", m.getData());
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().durableName("my-durable").build());

// client receives messages 41-current

Wildcard Subscriptions

NATS Streaming subscriptions do not support wildcards.

Advanced Usage

Asynchronous Publishing

The basic publish API (Publish(subject, payload)) is synchronous; it does not return control to the caller until the NATS Streaming server has acknowledged receipt of the message. To accomplish this, a NUID is generated for the message on creation, and the client library waits for a publish acknowledgement from the server with a matching NUID before it returns control to the caller, possibly with an error indicating that the operation was not successful due to some server problem or authorization error.

Advanced users may wish to process these publish acknowledgements manually to achieve higher publish throughput by not waiting on individual acknowledgements during the publish operation. An asynchronous publish API is provided for this purpose:

// The ack handler will be invoked when a publish acknowledgement is received
AckHandler ackHandler = new AckHandler() {
    public void onAck(String guid, Exception err) {
        if (err != null) {
            System.err.printf("Error publishing msg id %s: %s\n", guid, err.getMessage());
        } else {
            System.out.printf("Received ack for msg id %s\n", guid);

// This returns immediately.  The result of the publish can be handled in the ack handler.
String guid = sc.publish("foo", "Hello World".getBytes(), ackHandler);

Message Acknowledgements and Redelivery

NATS Streaming offers At-Least-Once delivery semantics, meaning that once a message has been delivered to an eligible subscriber, if an acknowledgement is not received within the configured timeout interval, NATS Streaming will attempt redelivery of the message. This timeout interval is specified by the subscription option AckWait, which defaults to 30 seconds.

By default, messages are automatically acknowledged by the NATS Streaming client library after the subscriber's message handler is invoked. However, there may be cases in which the subscribing client wishes to accelerate or defer acknowledgement of the message. To do this, the client must set manual acknowledgement mode on the subscription, and individually acknowledge messages. For example:

// Subscribe with manual ack mode, and set AckWait to 60 seconds
sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received a message: %s\n", m.getData());

        // You must manually ack when manualAcks() are set.
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().setManualAcks(true), setAckWait(Duration.ofSeconds(60)));

Rate limiting/matching

A classic problem of publish-subscribe messaging is matching the rate of message producers with the rate of message consumers. Message producers can often outpace the speed of the subscribers that are consuming their messages. This mismatch is commonly called a "fast producer/slow consumer" problem, and may result in dramatic resource utilization spikes in the underlying messaging system as it tries to buffer messages until the slow consumer(s) can catch up.

Publisher rate limiting

NATS Streaming provides a connection option called MaxPubAcksInFlight that effectively limits the number of unacknowledged messages that a publisher may have in-flight at any given time. When this maximum is reached, further PublishAsync() calls will block until the number of unacknowledged messages falls below the specified limit. ex:

Options o = new Options.Builder().clusterId().clientId().maxPubAcksInFlight(25).build();
StreamingConnection sc = new StreamingConnectionFactory(options).createConnection();

AckHandler ah = new AckHandler() {
    public void onAck(String guid, Exception e) {
        // process the ack

for (int i = 1; i < 1000; i++) {
    // If the server is unable to keep up with the publisher, the number of oustanding acks will eventually
    // reach the max and this call will block

    String guid = sc.publish("foo", "Hello World".getBytes(), ah);
    // track the guid in application code to resend, log, etc. if an error is identified in the ack handler.

Subscriber rate limiting

Rate limiting may also be accomplished on the subscriber side, on a per-subscription basis, using a subscription option called MaxInFlight. This option specifies the maximum number of outstanding acknowledgements (messages that have been delivered but not acknowledged) that NATS Streaming will allow for a given subscription. When this limit is reached, NATS Streaming will suspend delivery of messages to this subscription until the number of unacknowledged messages falls below the specified limit. ex:

// Subscribe with manual ack mode and a max in-flight limit of 25
sc.subscribe("foo", new MessageHandler() {
    public void onMessage(Message m) {
        System.out.printf("Received message : %s\n", m.getData());

        // You must manually ack when manualAcks() are set.  If acks fail or take too long,
        // message delivery will suspend one the number of unacknowledged messages reaches 25
        // due to the max in flight value.
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
}, new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().manualAcks().maxInFlight(25).build());

Sharing A NATS Connection

Under the covers, the StreamConnection has a NATS connection for all message transport. The connection creates a single Dispatcher for message callbacks. If you want to run callbacks in different threads, simply share an underlying NATS connection. The streaming connection doesn't create any other threads, modulo a timer, so this sharing has minimal thread overhead.

Connection nc = Nats.connect(options));
Options streamingOptions = new Options.Builder().natsConn(nc).build();
StreamingConnection one = NatsStreaming.connect(clusterName, clientOne, streamingOptions);
StreamingConnection two = NatsStreaming.connect(clusterName, clientTwo, streamingOptions);

You can reuse a connection from an existing streaming connection, but beware that closing the connection that created a NATS connection will close the NATS connection. For example, if you do:

Options streamingOptions = new Options.Builder().natsUrl(srv.getURI()).build();
StreamingConnection one = NatsStreaming.connect(clusterName, clientOne, streamingOptions));
Options streamingOptionsTwo = new Options.Builder().natsConn(one.getNatsConnection()).build();
StreamingConnection two = NatsStreaming.connect(clusterName, clientTwo, streamingOptionsTwo);

you have to close two before you close one to avoid an exception.

Controlling Callback Threads

The underlying NATS library uses the concept of dispatchers to organize callback threads. You can leverage this feature in 2.x or later of this library by setting a dispatcher name on your subscriptions.

Subscription sub2 = sc.subscribe("foo", mcb2,
                           new SubscriptionOptions.Builder().deliverAllAvailable().dispatcher("one").build());

Building From Source

The build depends on Gradle, and contains gradlew to simplify the process. After cloning, you can build the repository and run the tests with a single command:

> git clone
> cd
> ./gradlew build

This will place the class files in a new build folder. To just build the jar:

> ./gradlew jar

The jar will be placed in build/libs.

You can also build the java doc, and the samples jar using:

> ./gradlew javadoc
> ./gradlew exampleJar

The java doc is located in build/docs and the example jar is in build/libs. Finally, to run the tests with the coverage report:

> ./gradlew test jacocoTestReport

which will create a folder called build/reports/jacoco containing the file index.html you can open and use to browse the coverage. Keep in mind we have focused on library test coverage, not coverage for the examples.

Many of the tests run nats-streaming-server on a custom port. If the nats-streaming-server is in your path they should just work, but in cases where it is not, or an IDE running tests has issues with the path you can specify the server location with the environment variable stan_path.


Unless otherwise noted, the NATS source files are distributed under the Apache Version 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.


NATS Streaming Java Client



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