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My Cognitive Bot

My Cognitive Bot is an AI-powered chatbot with cognitive capabilities implemented using TensorFlow.js. This bot can learn and respond to user inputs intelligently.

Table of Contents


To get started with My Cognitive Bot, you need to have Node.js installed on your system. Follow the steps below to set up the project:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd my-cognitive-bot
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install


To start the bot, run the following command:

npm start

The bot will start running and will be ready to interact with.

Project Structure

The project consists of the following files:

  • index.js: Entry point of the application.
  • CognitiveBot.js: Contains the implementation of the CognitiveBot class.


import CognitiveBot from './CognitiveBot.js';

// Vocabulary size, embedding size, and hidden size
const vocabSize = 5000;
const embeddingSize = 128;
const hiddenSize = 128;

const bot = new CognitiveBot(vocabSize, embeddingSize, hiddenSize);

// Example training data
const inputTexts = ['hello', 'how are you'];
const targetTexts = ['hi', 'I am fine'];

async function trainBot() {
  await bot.train(inputTexts, targetTexts);
  console.log('Training completed.');


async function respondToInput(input) {
  const response = await bot.respond(input);
  console.log('Bot response:', response);

// Example interaction


import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

class CognitiveBot {
  constructor(vocabSize, embeddingSize, hiddenSize) {
    this.vocabSize = vocabSize;
    this.embeddingSize = embeddingSize;
    this.hiddenSize = hiddenSize;

    this.embedding = tf.layers.embedding({ inputDim: vocabSize, outputDim: embeddingSize });
    this.encoder = tf.layers.lstm({ units: hiddenSize, returnState: true });
    this.decoder = tf.layers.lstm({ units: hiddenSize, returnSequences: true, returnState: true });
    this.output = tf.layers.dense({ units: vocabSize, activation: 'softmax' });

    this.optimizer = tf.train.adam();
    this.lossFunction = tf.losses.sparseCategoricalCrossentropy;

    this.conversationHistory = [];

  async encode(inputText) {
    const embeddedInput = this.embedding.apply(inputText);
    const [, stateH, stateC] = await this.encoder.apply(embeddedInput);
    return [stateH, stateC];

  async decode(stateH, stateC, targetText) {
    const embeddedTarget = this.embedding.apply(targetText);
    const [decoderOutputs, , ] = await this.decoder.apply(embeddedTarget, { initialState: [stateH, stateC] });
    const output = await this.output.apply(decoderOutputs);
    return output;

  async train(inputTexts, targetTexts) {
    for (let i = 0; i < inputTexts.length; i++) {
      const inputText = inputTexts[i];
      const targetText = targetTexts[i];

      const gradientFunction = () => {
        const [stateH, stateC] = this.encode(inputText);
        const output = this.decode(stateH, stateC, targetText);
        const loss = this.lossFunction(targetText, output);
        return [loss, this.getTrainableWeights()];

      const grads = await tf.tidy(() => this.optimizer.minimize(gradientFunction));

  async respond(inputText) {
    const [stateH, stateC] = await this.encode(inputText);
    const startToken = tf.tensor2d([this.vocabSize - 1], [1, 1]); // Start token
    let outputText = [startToken];

    while (true) {
      const [output, newStateH, newStateC] = await this.decoder.apply(tf.expand_dims(outputText[outputText.length - 1], 0), { initialState: [stateH, stateC] });
      const predictedToken = tf.argMax(output, -1);

      if (predictedToken.dataSync()[0] === this.vocabSize - 2) { // End token

      [stateH, stateC] = [newStateH, newStateC];

    this.conversationHistory.push([inputText, outputText]);
    return outputText.slice(1, -1).map((token) => this.vocabToText(token.dataSync()[0]));

  vocabToText(token) {
    // Implement this function to convert tokens to text

export default CognitiveBot;

Training the Model

The train method of the CognitiveBot class is used to train the bot with the provided input and target texts. You can modify the inputTexts and targetTexts arrays with your training data and call the train function to start training.

const inputTexts = ['hello', 'how are you'];
const targetTexts = ['hi', 'I am fine'];

async function trainBot() {
  await bot.train(inputTexts, targetTexts);
  console.log('Training completed.');



This project is developed by Arifi Razzaq.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Let me know if you need any adjustments or additional sections!


No description, website, or topics provided.






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