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rmqctl, the swiss-army knife tooling for rabbitmq


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rmqctl is the swiss-army knife tool for rabbitmq with kubectl like commands.

Binary Release:

binary release v1.0.15
  • 'rmqctl publish' now publishes input from STDIN.
  • 'rmqctl publish' -e flag now takes executable with arguments.

e.g -e "/usr/bin/ls -al"

binary release v1.0.14
  • 'rmqctl publish' adds new flag '-e' for user provided executable,

    which generates messages to 'stdout' where rmqctl consumes and publishes to the queue.

binary release v1.0.12
  • fix issues for rabbit-hole.DeleteBinding uses BindingInfo.PropertiesKey as routing key

instead of BindingInfo.RoutingKey

binary release v1.0.11
  • Logging bug fix
binary release v1.0.10
  • Purge queue / purge queue with prompt [y/n]
  • Consume queue with numbers, e.g only consumes 10 messages
binary release v1.0.9
  • honors -a, -d in create queue/exchange
binary release v1.0.8
  • Now supports TLS connection for AMQP and HTTPS
  • New 'tls' entry in rmqctl.conf
  • New flag '-T' indicates using TLS connection.
  • Bug fix.
binary release v1.0.7
  • Now supports burst message publish mode.

    Alone with daemon mode, rmqctl is used as a stress test tool for rabbitmq.


    $ rmqctl publish exchange_name routing_key "MESSAGE" -b 1000000

    Publish with other payload

    $ rmqctl publish exchange_name routing_key "$(cat payload.json)" -b 1000000

  • Now supports publish mode: Transient, Persistent

  • Change default config file name to rmqctl.conf

  • Change load config file name flag to '-c'

  • Formalize debug log message.

binary release v1.0.3
  • Publish/Consume use amqp protocol for performance. Other actions using rabbitmq REST API calls.
  • Now supports bash/rawjson output format.
binary release v1.0.0
  • init. release

rmqctl loads rmqctl.conf (yaml) under working directory if there is one. Command arguments have higher precedence if provided.

username: guest
password: guest
port: 5672
apiport: 15672
host: localhost
tls: true
vhost: "/"
Loads rmqctl.conf from other location
$ rmqctl -c path/to/rmqctl.conf COMMANDS


AMQP Protocol

rmqctl uses amqp protocol library for publish/consume message for speed.

rmqctl supports burst publish/daemon consume, act as a perfect tool for stress test

and debugging the application.

TLS support

Place client certificate and private key pair with read only permission (0400)

under $HOME/.ssh/ name as follows:


If rabbitmq server using self-signed certificate,

remember to register self-signed CA into client's host system.

Setting up rabbitmq server TLS support for both

AMQP and API Service config file can refere to example:



  • queue, queue in HA mode(with single command)
  • exchange
  • queue/exchange binding
  • user
  • vhost
  • --help for more features


  • queue
  • exchange
  • queue/exchange binding
  • user
  • vhost
  • node
  • policy
  • --help for more features


  • queue
  • exchange
  • queue/exchange binding
  • user
  • vhost
  • policy
  • --help for more features


  • vhost
  • user
  • --help for more features


  • Publish with routing key
  • Publish messages generated from user provided executable
  • Burst publishing (testing throughput)
  • Supports transient|persistent modes
  • --help for more features


  • Consume supports ack|nack|reject|auto-ack acknowledge modes.
  • Run as daemon, consume on-demand.
  • Consume number of messages with flag -c NUMBER
  • --help for more features


  • Purge queue with prompt
  • --help for more features


Create queue

// TEST_QUEUE_1 created as durable
$ rmqctl create queue TEST_QUEUE_1 -d

// TEST_QUEUE_2 created as durable and autodelete
$ rmqctl -d create queue TEST_QUEUE_2 -d -a

Create queue in HA mode

rmqctl is able to create queue in HA mode.

Three modes supported: all(default),exactly,nodes

Following command creates TEST_QUEUE_3 queue in HA mode,

which by default it has queue slaves in all other rabbitmq nodes (default: 'all' mode)

rmqctl automatically creates queue's HA policy with name: QueueName_HA

$ rmqctl create queue TEST_QUEUE_3 --HA

List all queues

$ rmqctl list queue
|Name         |Vhost |Durable |AutoDelete |MasterNode |Status |Consumers |Policy          |Messages
|TEST_QUEUE_1 |/     |true    |false      |rabbit@r1  |       |0         |                |0
|TEST_QUEUE_2 |/     |true    |true       |rabbit@r1  |       |0         |                |0
|TEST_QUEUE_3 |/     |true    |true       |rabbit@r1  |       |0         |TEST_QUEUE_3_HA |0

List Policy

$ rmqctl list policy
 Name            |Vhost |Pattern      |Priority |ApplyTo |Definition
|TEST_QUEUE_3_HA |/     |TEST_QUEUE_3 |0        |queues  |map[ha-mode:all ha-sync-mode:automatic]

List particular queue in json

$ rmqctl list queue TEST_QUEUE_1 -o json
    "name": "TEST_QUEUE_1",
    "vhost": "/",
    "durable": true,
    "auto_delete": false,
    "arguments": {},
    "node": "rabbit@r1",
    "status": "",
    "memory": 10576,

Create exchange

$ rmqctl create exchange TEST_EXCHANGE_1 -d -t fanout

List all exchanges

$ rmqctl list exchange
 |Name               |Vhost |Type    |Durable |AutoDelete
 |                   |/     |direct  |true    |false
 |TEST_EXCHANGE_1    |/     |fanout  |true    |false
 |         |/     |direct  |true    |false
 |amq.fanout         |/     |fanout  |true    |false
 |amq.headers        |/     |headers |true    |false
 |amq.match          |/     |headers |true    |false
 |amq.rabbitmq.trace |/     |topic   |true    |false
 |amq.topic          |/     |topic   |true    |false

List particular exchange in json

$ rmqctl list exchange TEST_EXCHANGE_1 -o json
  "name": "TEST_EXCHANGE_1",
  "vhost": "/",
  "type": "fanout",
  "durable": true,
  "auto_delete": false,
  "internal": false,
  "arguments": {},
  "incoming": [],
  "outgoing": []

Create queue/exchange binding

rmqctl is able to create exchange bindings as well.


Creates exchange binding
$ rmqctl create bind TEST_EXCHANGE_1 TEST_EXCHANGE_2 ROUTING_KEY -t exchange

List queue/exchange binding

$ rmqctl list bind
|Source          |Destination     |Vhost |Key          |DestinationType
|                |TEST_QUEUE_1    |/     |TEST_QUEUE_1 |queue
|                |TEST_QUEUE_2    |/     |TEST_QUEUE_2 |queue
|TEST_EXCHANGE_1 |TEST_QUEUE_1    |/     |RUN          |queue
|TEST_EXCHANGE_1 |TEST_EXCHANGE_2 |/     |RUN          |exchange

Publish message

Publish to a fanout exchange, observing queues bounded to the

exchange TEST_EXCHANGE_1 received the message.

$ rmqctl publish TEST_EXCHANGE_1 RUN "This is a test message"

$ rmqctl list queue
|Name         |Vhost |Durable |AutoDelete |MasterNode |Status |Consumers |Policy          |Messages
|TEST_QUEUE_1 |/     |true    |false      |rabbit@r1  |       |0         |                |1
|TEST_QUEUE_2 |/     |true    |true       |rabbit@r1  |       |0         |                |1
|TEST_QUEUE_3 |/     |true    |true       |rabbit@r1  |       |0         |TEST_QUEUE_3_HA |0

Publish message in burst mode

Publish to a fanout exchange in burst mode,

observing queues bounded to the exchange TEST_EXCHANGE_1 received the message.

$ rmqctl publish TEST_EXCHANGE_1 RUN "This is a test message" -b 424242

$ rmqctl list queue
|Name         |Vhost |Durable |AutoDelete |MasterNode |Status |Consumers |Policy          |Messages
|TEST_QUEUE_1 |/     |true    |false      |rabbit@r1  |       |0         |                |424243
|TEST_QUEUE_2 |/     |true    |true       |rabbit@r1  |       |0         |                |424243
|TEST_QUEUE_3 |/     |true    |true       |rabbit@r1  |       |0         |TEST_QUEUE_3_HA |0

Publish message from user provided executable

Publish messages generated from user provided executable to the queue.

$ rmqctl publish TEST_EXCHANGE_1 RUN -e "/usr/bin/ls -al"

$ rmqctl consume TEST_QUEUE_1
 drwxr-xr-x 1 vs   users    1566 Mar 16 13:07 Desktop
 drwxr-xr-x 1 vs   users       0 Feb 11 21:25 Documents
 drwxr-xr-x 1 vs   users     616 Mar 17 15:34 Downloads
 drwxr-xr-x 1 vs   users     322 Feb 13 08:40 .fzf

Publish message from STDIN

Publish messages read from STDIN.

$ rmqctl publish TEST_EXCHANGE_1 RUN
hello, rabbitmq!
greetings, rabbitmq!

$ rmqctl consume TEST_QUEUE_1
 hello, rabbitmq!
 greetings, rabbitmq!

$ rmqctl publish TEST_EXCHANGE_1 RUN  <<< "hi, there!"

$ rmqctl consume TEST_QUEUE_1
 hi, there!

equivalent to $ rmqctl publish TEST_EXCHANGE_1 RUN -e "/usr/bin/ls -al"
$ ls -al | rmqctl publish TEST_EXCHANGE_1 RUN

$ rmqctl consume TEST_QUEUE_1
 drwxr-xr-x 1 vs   users    1566 Mar 16 13:07 Desktop
 drwxr-xr-x 1 vs   users       0 Feb 11 21:25 Documents
 drwxr-xr-x 1 vs   users     616 Mar 17 15:34 Downloads
 drwxr-xr-x 1 vs   users     322 Feb 13 08:40 .fzf

Consume message

Consume 3 messages.

$ rmqctl consume TEST_QUEUE_1 -c 3
This is a test message
This is a test message
This is a test message

Consume message in daemon mode

$ rmqctl consume TEST_QUEUE_2 -d
This is a test message
This is a test message

Purge queue

Purge queue without prompt.

$ rmqctl purge TEST_QUEUE_1 -f

Other features including list/update user/vhost/node information, vhost tracing, etc.

--help for more details.

$ rmqctl --help


Bug, feature requests, welcome to shoot me an email at:
