twilio-cdn Public
This repository is to verify the twilio CDN bundle
new-repo-instructions Public
Forked from esm-bundle/new-repo-instructionsThis is forked to create ESM bundles for @twilio/conversations for 2.1.0
MIT License UpdatedMar 29, 2021 -
30-seconds-of-code Public
Forked from Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-codeShort JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs
JavaScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
Github-Ranking Public
Forked from EvanLi/Github-Ranking⭐Github Ranking⭐ Github stars and forks ranking list. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Automatically update daily. | Github仓库排名,每日自动更新
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
freeCodeCamp Public
Forked from freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCampfreeCodeCamp.org's open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code at home.
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
tech-interview-handbook Public
Forked from yangshun/tech-interview-handbook💯 Materials to help you rock your next coding interview
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2020 -
algorithm-visualizer Public
Forked from algorithm-visualizer/algorithm-visualizer🎆Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 30, 2020 -
storybook Public
Forked from storybookjs/storybook📓 The UI component workshop. Develop, document, & test for React, Vue, Angular, Ember, Web Components, & more!
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJul 16, 2020 -
node-react-ecommerce Public
Forked from basir/node-react-ecommerceBuild ECommerce Website Like Amazon By React & Node & MongoDB
JavaScript UpdatedJul 16, 2020 -
html5-boilerplate Public
Forked from h5bp/html5-boilerplateA professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 16, 2020 -
webpack Public
Forked from webpack/webpackA bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs,…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 15, 2020 -
nodebestpractices Public
Forked from goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2020)
JavaScript Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedJul 15, 2020 -
javascript-questions Public
Forked from lydiahallie/javascript-questionsA long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
MIT License UpdatedJul 14, 2020 -
realworld Public
Forked from gothinkster/realworld"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more 🏅
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 14, 2020 -
react-redux-realworld-example-app Public
Forked from gothinkster/react-redux-realworld-example-appExemplary real world application built with React + Redux
JavaScript UpdatedJul 12, 2020 -
javascript Public
Forked from airbnb/javascriptJavaScript Style Guide
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 11, 2020 -
Front-End-Checklist Public
Forked from thedaviddias/Front-End-Checklist🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJul 10, 2020 -
Front-End-Performance-Checklist Public
Forked from thedaviddias/Front-End-Performance-Checklist🎮 The only Front-End Performance Checklist that runs faster than the others
MIT License UpdatedJul 9, 2020 -
angular-ngrx-nx-realworld-example-app Public
Forked from stefanoslig/angular-ngrx-nx-realworld-example-appExemplary real world application built with Angular 9, NgRx 9, nrwl/nx 9.1
TypeScript UpdatedJul 7, 2020 -
You-Dont-Know-JS Public
Forked from getify/You-Dont-Know-JSA book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
Other UpdatedJul 6, 2020 -
frontend-nanodegree-resume Public
Forked from udacity/frontend-nanodegree-resumeThis repository is used for one of the projects in Udacity's Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree program. Learn how to become a Front-End Developer today with line-by-line code reviewed projects and…
JavaScript UpdatedMar 18, 2020