Combination of the Options RL framework and DQNs. The project contains of the following parts:
Implementation of the plain DQN algorithm
To run the plain DQN go for ../DQN/ where the environment, network and learning parameters can be modified; The learning process for the plain DQN is implemented in the file ../DQN/
Using DQN to represent every option and a separate DQN over options
To run the DQN algorithms with options, firstly the options must be trained running the files ../DQN with Options/train_option1(go down).py and ../DQN with Options/train_option2(lift cube).py After that to train the DQN over options run the file ../DQN with Options/ The learning process for the DQN over options is implemented in the file ../DQN with Options/ and the file ../DQN with Options/ contains the implementation of the option work
The united architecture
The testing environment (arm_env_dqn) used in the experiments The environments for training the options (arm_env_dqn_go_down and arm_env_dqn_lift_cube)
Utils needed for plotting and DQN implementation.
The file contains the following:
Constant Piecewise Linear Schedules