kcna-course Public
Forked from CodeWithPraveen/kcna-courseKubernetes and Cloud Native Associate Course - a guide to prepare and get KCNA certified through a step-by-step approach.
HTML UpdatedMay 6, 2024 -
getting-started Public
Forked from docker/getting-startedGetting started with Docker
SmartThingsPublic Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublicSmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
kubernetes-network-policy-recipes Public
Forked from ahmetb/kubernetes-network-policy-recipesExample recipes for Kubernetes Network Policies that you can just copy paste
devfest-theme-hugo Public
Forked from GDGToulouse/devfest-theme-hugoA theme for a conference website. Created for DevFest Toulouse 2019
bvull_hugo Public
Forked from fbnlsr/my-websiteThis is my personal website.
aws-lambda-ses-forwarder Public
Forked from arithmetric/aws-lambda-ses-forwarderServerless email forwarding using AWS Lambda and SES
StepCount_GoogleAppScript Public
Google App Script Code to pull the Step Count Data on a daily basis with a trigger and store it in Google Sheets.
dotlive-zerotolive Public
Forked from mrlynn/dotlive-zerotoliveBasic landing page for a talk at MongoDB .live
weight-loss-challenge Public
Weight Loss Challenge App which can be used within a team or Organization to track percentage loss per a given frequency
javascript-algorithms-1 Public
Forked from trekhleb/javascript-algorithms๐ Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
MEAN_Stack_Examples Public
Node JS, Express, Mongo DB Based Sample Project
javascript-algorithms Public
Forked from mgechev/javascript-algorithmsJavaScript implementation of different computer science algorithms.
Data-Cleaning-Practical-Examples Public
Forked from Jcharis/Data-Cleaning-Practical-ExamplesData Cleaning In Python and Julia with Practical Examples
ej2-showcase-angular-appointment-planner Public
Forked from syncfusion/ej2-showcase-angular-appointment-plannerAn demo appointment scheduling application for doctors in a clinic to manage their appointments with patients
dragula Public
Forked from bevacqua/dragula๐ Drag and drop so simple it hurts