- Baku, Azerbaijan
- https://medium.com/@vusalaxndzde
- in/vusalaxndzde
- Pro
An interactive git visualization and tutorial. Aspiring students of git can use this app to educate and challenge themselves towards mastery of git!
eDonnes124 / Town-Of-Us-R
Forked from slushiegoose/Town-Of-UsAn Among Us mod containing a bunch of roles
A Java library that extends Jakarta Bean Validation capabilities to enable cross-field validation.
1️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge -- A fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java
How to deploy a spring boot application on Ubuntu 16.04 using nginx as a reverse proxy
A library for handling Problems in Spring Web MVC
React Dictionary Web App with dictionary api
Mockito Tutorial for Beginners
Testing the Web Layer :: Learn how to test Spring Boot applications and MVC controllers.
Spring MVC 5 Tutorial - Guide to spring mvc framework
The goal of this project is to implement an application called order-app to manage orders. For it, we will implement a back-end Spring Boot application called order-api and a font-end React applica…
Spring Boot + Security: Token Based Authentication example with JWT, Authorization, Spring Data & MySQL
Brute Force attack with Python in Kali Linux
jsoup: the Java HTML parser, built for HTML editing, cleaning, scraping, and XSS safety.
Download Youtube videos in Python with youtube_dl and PyQt5 libraries
Download Youtube videos in Python with pytube and PyQt5 libraries.