This bundle provides a simple integration of the "Discogs library" into Symfony2. You can find more information about this library on its dedicated page at
$discogs = $this->container->get('discogs');
The bundle provides a new discogs
service that returns an instance of
To install this bundle, you'll also need Discogs library and the Buzz library. Installation depends on how your project is setup:
If you're using the bin/vendors.php
method to manage your vendor libraries,
add the following entries to the deps
file at the root of your project file:
Next, update your vendors by running:
$ ./bin/vendors install
Great! Now skip down to Step 2.
If you're managing your vendor libraries with submodules, simply add the following submodules:
$ git submodule add git:// vendor/buzz
$ git submodule add git:// vendor/discogs
$ git submodule add git:// vendor/bundles/Ricbra/Bundle/DiscogsBundle
Finally update your submodules:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
Add this line to the require
section of your composer.json
"ricbra/discogs-bundle": "*"
run php composer.phar update
> Skip this step if you installed bundle using Composer
Add the following entries to your autoloader:
// app/autoload.php
// ...
'Buzz' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/buzz/lib',
'Discogs' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/discogs/lib',
'Ricbra' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Ricbra\Bundle\DiscogsBundle\RicbraDiscogsBundle(),
Congratulations! You're ready to use the Discogs libary into Symfony2!
The only thing to do is to request the discogs
service from the container to get
an instance of Discogs\Service
and start issuing API calls:
$discogs = $this->container->get('discogs');
$artist = $discogs->getArtist(120);
echo $artist->getName();
You may take advantage of caching responses. Currently only MongoDB implementation is available. To use it you need
to grab another service called discogs_cached_mongodb
. It will automatically create DiscogsCached
in your database. You may disable/enable caching throughout the program flow using these methods:
$discogs = $this->get('discogs_cached_mongodb');
// do something
// do something
By default, this bundle configures Discogs library to use the default Buzz settings. You can override these in order to use curl for example.
Me and Discogs really appreciate it if you supply your own unique identifier (will be send as user agent header). Furthermore the default items per request is 50. Discogs API also states that it doesn't limit you in requests amount, but throttles them in time - 1 request per second. The library has throttling mechanism implemented and enabled by default, so you won't get into request rejecting situation using free access. A typically config would look like this:
identifier: "VendorAcmeBundle/0.1 +"
items_per_page: 100
throttle: true
Also, if your required configuration differs from the default one you may specify your own service inside the services.yml
with all necessary parameters set:
class: Discogs\Service
- @ricbra_discogs.client
- %ricbra_discogs.items_per_page%
- %ricbra_discogs.throttle%
- [setResponseTransformer, [@discogs_response_transformer_hash]]
- [setCacher, [@discogs_cacher_mongodb]]