Created by vvsmmg. My telegram channel -
- Bera claiming from faucet
- Swaps
- Liquidity adding
- Honey mint, reedem
- Deposit to bend
- Borrow from bend
- Mint honey jar
- Beranames mint
- Contract creating
- Claim Bera for all wallets
- Start base route for all wallets
- Choose activity for wallets
- Random activity on the wallets
- Install Python v3.10
- Download this repository
- Go to project folder in terminal
- Run
pip install requirements.txt
- Set up, wallets.txt and proxy.txt
- Run
Put your 2captcha api key in thi s line
twocaptcha_apikey = ""
Put your private keys in this file. Each new line should contain new private key.
Proxy is needed to claim and do swaps. Proxy format: https://log:pass@ip:port