A bundle of benchmarks measuring the performance of various fiber (lightweight thread, actor, coroutine, etc.) implementations for the JVM.
- Ring:
spawned threads are connected in a ring structure. Through this ring a message (an integer) is circulatedM
times. (Adopted from the Performance Measurements of Threads in Java and Processes in Erlang article.)
- Standard Java Threads
- Akka Actors
- Quasar Fibers and Actors
- Kilim Actors, Continuations, and Fibers
- Project Loom Continuations and Fibers
You first need to build the necessary JMH fat JARs and then let the benchmark script do its job:
$ ./mvnw package
$ ./benchmark/benchmark.py
If you don't have a local JDK 11 installation, you can also use the shipped
to compile and run the benchmark in a Docker container:
$ ./docker.sh mvn-package
$ ./docker.sh benchmark
For Oracle Java 1.8.0_121-b13
running on Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2105 CPU @ 3.10GHz
on Linux 4.4.0-137-generic x86_64
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
AkkaActorRingBenchmark.ringBenchmark avgt 4 614.755 ± 151.874 ms/op
JavaThreadRingBenchmark.ringBenchmark avgt 4 6126.367 ± 304.880 ms/op
KilimActorRingBenchmark.ringBenchmark avgt 4 611.655 ± 128.317 ms/op
KilimContinuationRingBenchmark.ringBenchmark avgt 4 45.544 ± 11.303 ms/op
KilimFiberRingBenchmark.ringBenchmark avgt 4 441.433 ± 61.134 ms/op
QuasarActorRingBenchmark.ringBenchmark avgt 4 2627.271 ± 2114.870 ms/op
QuasarChannelRingBenchmark.ringBenchmark avgt 4 1589.085 ± 819.561 ms/op
QuasarDataflowRingBenchmark.ringBenchmark avgt 4 1866.151 ± 302.077 ms/op
QuasarFiberRingBenchmark.ringBenchmark avgt 4 666.120 ± 148.967 ms/op
- Arek Burdach
- Jordan Sheinfeld
- nqzero
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