The app is using
- NodeJS
- ReactJS framework
- MongoDB - Mongoose
- JWT Token
- Passport for Authentication
This is a sample products store , With a demo content added to mongo db
- Anyone can get all items stored in the database.
- A user can make an order of items.
- When a user sets an order, he should receive a confirmation email.
- When a user sets an order, the service should only place the order in a job queue.
- A user can get a history of all his previous orders.
- An admin can get all users alongside their previous orders.
Before you start you should have a recent version of npm
and node
- Navigate to mailingService.js at (server\services) folder and change [mailAccountUser, mailAccountPassword] to your business email and password.
- Navigate to database.js at (server\config) folder and change the database connection to your personal database
git clone
Navigate to the "server" directory inside the cloned folder and run
npm install
npm start
To see whether the server works check http://localhost:3000 and you should see json object.
Navigate to the "client" directory inside the cloned folder and run
npm install
Navigate to the cloned directory and run
npm install
npm start
The development server should open a new tab at your browser. Your application should be working on http://localhost:8080.