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Wicked sick v2.0 script is intended to automate your reconnaissance process in an organized fashion.

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 | | __ _ ____ _   _ _ __ ___  ___  ___  _ __
 | |/ _  |_  /| | | |  __/ _ \/ __|/ _ \|  _ \
 | | (_|  / / | | | | | |  __/ (__  (_) | | | 
 |_|\__ _|___/ \__  |_|  \___|\___|\___/|_| |_v2

Lazyrecon v2 is a subdomain discovery tool that finds and resolves valid subdomains then performs SSRF/LFI/SQLi fuzzing, brute-force and port scanning. It has a simple modular architecture and is optimized for speed while working with github and wayback machine.


  • Super fast asynchronous execution
  • CI/CD ready
  • HTML/pdf reports
  • Discord integration
  • Background listen server
  • Domain name, list of domains, IP, CIDR input - notations support
  • Teardown and program exit housekeeping


You can use a stateful/stateless build agent (worker). There is no additional time is required for provisioning. It may seem tricky because some of the tools require a root user.

  1. Fill in these required environment variables inside: ./lazyconfig:
export HOMEUSER= # your user: e.g.: kali
export HOMEDIR= # user's home dir e.g.: /home/kali
export STORAGEDIR= # where output saved, e.g.: ${HOMEDIR}/lazytargets
export GITHUBTOKEN= # a personal access token (git PAT)
export DISCORDWEBHOOKURL= #{}/{webhook.token}
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/go/bin:$HOMEDIR/go/bin
export GO111MODULE=on
  1. Enable new environment source ./lazyconfig
  2. Call sudo -E ./
  3. Execute sudo -E ./ ""


This script is intended to automate your reconnaissance process in an organized fashion by performing the following:

  • Manages a folder with timestamps and details for a target
  • Grabs subdomains using subfinder, assetfinder, gau, waybackurls, github-subdomains
  • Additionally finds new subdomains through alterations and permutations using dnsgen
  • Searches subnets and new assets using math Mode
  • Filters out live subdomains from a list of hosts using puredns
  • Checks all known ports for http(s) probes using httpx
  • Gets visual part using headless chromium
  • Performs masscan on live servers
  • Scans for known paths and CVEs using nuclei
  • Shots for SSRF/LFI/SQLi based on fetched DOM's and Wayback machine's data
  • Checks for 401/403 bypass using bypass-403
  • Performs ffuf supercharged by interlace using custom WordList based on the top10000.txt
  • Generates report and send it to Discord

The point is to get a list of live IPs (in form of socket addresses), attack available network protocols, check for common CVEs, perform very simple directory bruteforce then use provided reports for manual research.

Installing & Testing

  • Linux & Mac tested


python >= 3.7
pip3 >= 19.0
go >= 1.17

All installation methods can be found here. You can check if the dependencies are installed correctly on your machine by running the following tests:

./test/ "./test/nuclei_templates_list.txt"
./test/ "./test/dependencies_list.txt"

If you faced with some issues, feel free to join Discord, open PR or file the bug.


Execute with sudo because of masscan:

▶ sudo -E ./ --wildcard
Parameter Description Example
--wildcard Subdomains reconnaissance '*' (default) ./ --wildcard
--single One target instance '' ./ --single
--ip Single IP of the target machine ./ --single --ip
--list List of subdomains to process for ./ "./testa.txt" --list
--cidr Perform network recon, CIDR notation ./ "" --cidr
--mad Wayback machine's stuff ./ --mad
--fuzz SSRF/LFI/SQLi fuzzing ./ --mad --fuzz
--alt Additionally permutate subdomains (* only) ./ --wildcard --alt
--brute Basic directory bruteforce (time sensitive) ./ --single --brute
--discord Send notifications to discord ./ --discord
--quiet Enable quiet mode ./ --quiet


  1. Use dnsperftest to know your best resolvers
  2. Run ./
  3. Check output reports of chromium, nuclei, masscan, 403-bypass-output.txt _listen_server.log, lfi-matched-url.txt
  4. Pick the right target for you based on screenshot and ports opened.
  5. Use Firefox and Burp to proxy all requests while exploratory testing
  6. Try to find file upload vulnerabilities
  7. Perform Google, Trello, Atlassian, Github, Bitbucket dorking
  8. Check JS sources for credentials, API endpoints
  9. Investigate XHR requests, fuzz parameters and variables
  10. Check for target-specific CVE based on nmap/masscan output
  11. GET/POST Bruteforce for directories: fuzbo0oM-top10000 --> raft --> target specific
  12. Continue bruteforcing using custom Headers (X-Custom-IP-Authorization:; X-Original-URL:)
  13. Try bypass 401/403 errors using notable methods (%23, /%2e/, etc)
  14. Use XSS automation or XSSTRON
  15. Try another XSS:
Referer: javascript:alert('XSS');████████?referer=javascript:alert(document.domain)


This project was inspired by original v1.0 Ben Sadeghipour and aimed to implement some of the best practices like Mechanizing the Methodology, TBHM, Subdomain Takeovers, Request Smuggling, SSRF, LFI and Bruteforce based on Custom wordlist.

Notable articles

  1. IDOR
  2. SSRF automation and SSRF RCE
  3. Enumeration guide

BlackHat USA

Lazyrecon v2 was invited and presented at the BlackHat USA 2021. Now it is officially on the BlackHat Arsenal track.


Acknowledgement: This code was created for personal use with hosts you able to hack/explore by any of the known bug bounty program. Use it at your own risk.

See release notes


Wicked sick v2.0 script is intended to automate your reconnaissance process in an organized fashion.






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  • Shell 60.9%
  • Solidity 28.5%
  • PHP 3.7%
  • HTML 3.6%
  • Python 3.3%