notebook Public
Bagas personal notebook for knowledge base
devcode-todo-list Public
Devcode Frontend Challenge Todo List Web App
gt-component-library Public
Gamatechno Component Library using Vue
toshokan Public
Experimental component library built using React and Typescript
aksara-ui Public
Forked from kata-ai/aksara-uiAksara Design System, from Kata.ai.
template Public template
Forked from evilfactorylabs/templatebare minimum project repository template by community for community
anonymail-web Public
An mail-sending app that everyone can send a mail to a person anonymously.
learning-resources Public
Forked from evilfactorylabs/learning-resourcesa curated list of "basic" knowledge that "good to know" by evilfactorylabs members. But feel free to take a look and learn together!
1 UpdatedAug 14, 2020 -
AsteroidsInSpace Public
Asteroids flying in the space animation made with Unity3D
walking-bunny Public
Animated walking bunny using HTML, CSS, and some graphic interchange format (gif) asset.
my-codewars-answer Public
All of my codewars answers, mostly is about JavaScript Fundamental.
inside Public
Forked from evilfactorylabsarchive/insideon building @evilfactorylabs