This really is the simplest way to manage dotfiles.
All you really need is for git to be installed on the local system.
This method is is derived from this thread on Hacker News.
Atlassian has a great write-up using the information from the thread.
The Arch Linux Wiki also has a section regarding dotfiles.
What you will learn here is not much different than what is provided in the above threads. The key differences being the fact that I chose to name my alias "figgit" because "config" never struck me as an appropriate name. Also, I named my dotfile bare git repo directory ".dotfiles" because it just makes the most sense.
Note: This guide assumes you're using zsh as your shell and have git installed.
# dotfile (config) git repo - "figgit"
zstyle ':completion:*:*:git:*' user-commands figgit:'figgit dotfile git alias'
alias figgit='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
(( $+opt_args[--git-dir] )) && local -x GIT_DIR=$opt_args[--git-dir]
(( $+opt_args[--git-dir] )) && local -x GIT_DIR=${(e)~opt_args[--git-dir]}
(( $+opt_args[--work-tree] )) && local -x GIT_WORKTREE=${(e)~opt_args[--work-tree]}
git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
figgit config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
figgit add .zshrc.local
figgit commit -m "~/.zshrc.local"
# remember to use your <tab> completion here :)
figgit add ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
figgit commit -m "init.vim"
figgit push