A Shiny App to compare weather from one year to a historical average over several years.
I'm a bit of weather geek and I often find myself saying "this January seems warmer than normal" or something similar (https://andypicke.github.io/Summer-In-February/). So I decided to make a Shiny app that will let you explore this type of question for different cities, months, and years.
Check it out at : https://andypicke.shinyapps.io/WeatherComparer/
You can also download scripts.R and app.R and run locally on your own machine in RStudio.
Right now it only does temperature, but I am planning to expand it for other variables.
Data is gathered from https://www.wunderground.com/, as described in https://github.com/andypicke/wunderground_data.
- Add a leaflet map to let you find stations and their codes
- Add other variables (max,min temps, precipiation, wind, etc.)
- Do by date rather than yearday? I like yearday for easily lining up data, but it occurred to me that maybe using yearday and averaging over years that include leap years is not quite correct?