windows-powershell-docs Public
Forked from MicrosoftDocs/windows-powershell-docsThis repo is used to contribute to Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and MDOP PowerShell module documentation.
PowerShell Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedFeb 21, 2023 -
mod-solo-lfg Public
Forked from milestorme/mod-solo-lfgSolo Dungeon Finder Module for use on AzerothCore 3.3.5a
C++ MIT License UpdatedOct 29, 2022 -
defaultinterfaceip Public
Enumerate IPv4 addresses and select the best option as a default (multiplatform)
C++ UpdatedJul 6, 2018 -
s2client-api Public
Forked from Blizzard/s2client-apiStarCraft II Client - C++ library supported on Windows, Linux and Mac designed for building scripted bots and research using the SC2API.
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 13, 2018 -
s2client-docker Public
Forked from Blizzard/s2client-dockerSupporting files for building the API and running the Linux build of StarCraft II
Shell UpdatedNov 5, 2017 -
weechat Public
Forked from weechat/weechatThe extensible chat client.