Samples in this section require .NET 7. You can download it from here.
Infer dependency from action parameter
There is no need for
attribute anymore to inject a dependency to your action method. -
static class is the “typed” equivalent of the existingMicrosoft.AspNetCore.Http.Results
class. -
This sample demonstrate the usage of
extension method available inMicrosoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi
to customize OpenAPI operation information. -
Results<TResult1, TResult2, TResultN>
provides better description of the result of the operation that OpenAPI/Swagger can use in describing the API. -
This sample demonstrates the usage of
to upload a file in Minimal API. -
This sample demonstrates the usage of
to upload multiple files in Minimal API.
This sample shows how to apply an Endpoint filter to your minimal API.
This sample shows how to apply multiple Endpoint filters to your minimal APIs.
This examples shows the sequence of code execution before
and afterRouteHandlerFilterDelegate
in multiple endpoint filters. -
to detect return result in filter.
extension methods allow grouping of endpoints with a common prefix. It also allow group metadata to be attached to the group. -
to enrich OpenAPI information for all the endpoints in the group. -
to exclude endpoints from OpenAPI description.
This sample shows the usage of the simplified authentication and authorization via
. -
This sample shows the usage of the simplified authentication and authorization via
. -
This sample shows how to use both JWT and Cookie authentications in the same application.
This sample shows how to use the
middleware using basic options. -
This sample shows how to use the
middleware and vary them by one or more query string. -
This sample shows how to tagged cache items and evict them by tag using
. -
Output Cache - 4 This sample shows how to enable output cache for every single endpoint.
Output Cache - 5 This sample shows how to setup a global Output Cache policy to cache any request with "cache" query string parameter.
Output Cache - 6 This sample demonstrates on how to setup a global Output Cache policy to cache any request that start with "/cache" in the url segments.
Output Cache - 7 This sample demonstrates on how to setup a cache policy and use it. Specific policy override the global base policy.
Output Cache - 8 This sample demonstrates on how to setup a cache policy that set an expiration time of 10 minutes.
This sample shows how to make a GET HTTP call to a gRPC endpoint via gRPC JSON transcoding.
This sample shows how to make a POST HTTP call to a gRPC endpoint via gRPC JSON transcoding.
This sample shows how to make a POST HTTP call to a gRPC endpoint via gRPC JSON transcoding by combining route parameter and body.
This sample shows how to make a PUT HTTP call to a gRPC endpoint via gRPC JSON transcoding.
This sample shows how to make a PATCH HTTP call to a gRPC endpoint via gRPC JSON transcoding.
This sample demonstrates @bind:after modifier that allows to execute async code after a binding event has been completed (value has changed).
This sample demonstrates @bind:get @bind:set modifier that simplify two-way data binding.
This sample shows how to implement a HTML custom element using Blazor Web Assembly.
This sample shows how set and get a property of a HTML custom element implemented using Blazor Web Assembly.
This sample shows how to raise an event from HTML custom element implemented using Blazor Web Assembly.
This sample shows how to enable returning Problem Details in unhandled exception responses.
This example shows how customize returned Problem Details in unhandled exception responses.
This example shows how customize Problem Details by manipulating
Show how to customize serialization using
. -
Customize serialization by writing
in JSON forAge
values. -
In this case we add one extra
property to the serialization process.
This sample shows how to use Orleans 7 in a minimal API application. It shows the new way on how to configure an Orleans server.
This is a sample project that shows how to use Redis as a persistence provider for Orleans.
This sample demonstrates the functionality of Orleans' Timer via Grain.RegisterTimer. It's useful to trigger actions to be repeated frequently (less than every minute).
This sample demonstrates the functionality of Orleans' Reminder via Grain.RegisterOrUpdateReminder. It's useful to trigger actions to be repeated infrequently (more than every minute, hours or days). This is a persistent timer that survives grain restarts. Reminder is much expensive than Timer.
This sample demonstrates using HttpClient in a
and also introduces the concept of a Stateless Workergrain