go get github.com/wangkuiyi/ci
cd $GOPATH/github.com/wangkuiyi/ci
go get ./...
go build .
docker build . -t ci
go test ./...
concurrency: concurrent ci job count
key value pair of environment variables for ci script
description: description for this ci job. Will be displayed on github build status
token: your personal access token
owner: repo owner name
name: repo name
filename: script for ci to run relative to repo folder
endpoint: ci server endpoint name, build status on github will reference this endpoint
concurrency: 5
OS: osx
description: build on mac
token: your-personal-access-token
owner: PaddlePaddle
name: Paddle
filename: ci.sh
endpoint: http://87b93f06.ngrok.io
The URL http://87b93f06.ngrok.io in above in example was generated by ngrok. For more about using ngrok as a revert proxy server to expose the CI service, please refer to the following sections.
mkdir ci_data
cd ci_data
cp ci_yaml_dir/ci.yaml .
docker run -p 8000:8000 -v $(pwd):/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ci
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
This flag will expose docker daemon on host machine to docker client inside docker container. So build command likedocker build
could run inside docker container.-v $(pwd):/data
This flag will mount$(pwd)
inside docker container,ci
binary will use default db path/data/ci.db
and default ci.yaml path/data/ci.yaml
if not specified.-p 8000:8000
This flag will map port 8000 outside docker to 8000 inside docker.ci
binary will use default port 8000 if not specified.
path_to_ci/ci -config ci_yaml_dir/ci.yaml -db ci.db -port 8000 -template path_to_repo/templates
Usage of ./ci:
-config string
configuration file (default "/data/ci.yaml")
-db string
path to db (default "/data/ci.db")
-port int
ci server port (default 8000)
-template string
ci server template directory (default "/templates")
Github -> Settings -> Personal Access Tokens -> Generate New Tokens
Select permission "public_repo Access public repositories" and generate new token.
Endpoint is the base url that one (user and github webhook) could access ci server. This base url needs to be accessable from public internet (e.g., by github)
Ngrok can expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
ngrok http 8000 # 8000 is ci server default port
This will bring up a fullscreen UI like the following:
Please be aware of the URLs shown in the figure -- once we run CI locally and make it listening on 8000, we will be able to access CI through any of those URLs.
According to above figure the endpoint (a field to fill inside ci.yaml
) name is: https://3f15cc16.ngrok.io (or http://3f15cc16.ngrok.io)
And webhook URL is https://3f15cc16.ngrok.io/ci (or http://3f15cc16.ngrok.io/ci)
Repo -> Settings (if you can not see it, you probably don't have enough permission for this repo) -> Webhooks -> Add webhook
Paste webhook URL inside "Payload URL". E.g., https://3f15cc16.ngrok.io/ci (don't forget tailing /ci
Select "Let me select individual events."
Select "Push"
Select "Pull request"
Click "Add webhook"