this is modified based on https://github.com/inoook/UnityURG
code is still at a very primitive state, object detection can be improved
improvments and contributions are very welcomed.
this library works with multiple Hokuyo sensors, you need to give each of them a unique IP.
I need to make a large wall into a "touch screen" so all code here are wrote to server this single purpose.
for example, the strength data from the sensor is compeltely ignored here since it doesn't help us detecting objects on a surface. (as the sensor can detect things from pretty far!)
to better "converting a surface into a touch screen", I added the distance cropping mechnaism, to help ignore the things that are out of the detection area.
there are two ways to constrain the detection area:
if you choose Rect
Mode, the sensor will only detect things within a rect area. You can change the width and height of the rect area by changing detectRectWidth
and detectRectHeight
the unit is mm (same as everything else!)
if you choose Radius
Mode, the detection area will be a circular sector, the detection distance will be the same for all direction, you can change the detection radius by changing maxDetectionDist
Either Distance Cropping Mode will ignore things behind the sensor. which means 90 radians of detectable area will be wasted.
you will need to do some setting up in the network setting of Windows befor you can get any data:
this is the class for "detecting" object from sensor raw data
This is where we get the raw data from the sensor
Used by UrgDeviceEthernet, for low-level communication with the sensor
Attach URGSensorObjectDetector to an empty GameObject or use the Prefab Sensor Data
I only have two Hokuyo UST-10LX so obviously this code is not tested on any other Hokuyo sensor model... but it should work with most of them!