Wortise | Lowlevel Studios
- Spain
This is nexage VAST player migrated to Android Studio
AdButler MRAID and VAST/VPAID compatible Android SDK
Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
Holo theme ported to pre-ICS Android versions.
SIO (Simple I/O) scheduler for the Linux kernel. Aimed for Solid State Drives.
waninkoko / doom3.x64
Forked from TTimo/doom3.gplDoom 3 GPL source release
Based on Wildfire S sources
c0de90e7 / PSL1GHT
Forked from HACKERCHANNEL/PSL1GHTA lightweight PS3 SDK
PS3 payloads for PSGroove/PSFreedom/Other in order to 'jailbreak' the PS3
micro-httpd is a very lightweight webserver coded in C++ and designed to be easy to port to other platforms.
Multigame disc creator (multiplataform).