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Releases: wasdee/dbfread2

dbfread2 v0.1.0 - Modern Python DBF Reader

28 Jan 00:39
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🚀 A complete modernization of the dbfread library for Python 3.12+

dbfread2 is a modern rewrite of the popular dbfread library, focusing on type safety, modern Python features, and developer experience.

🎯 Key Features

  • ✨ Full Python 3.12+ support with type hints
  • 📁 Native pathlib.Path support for all file operations
  • 🛠️ Modern development tools (ruff, mypy, mise-en-place)
  • 📚 New MkDocs-based documentation
  • 🔒 Enhanced error handling and type safety

🔄 Breaking Changes

  1. Python Version: Requires Python 3.12+
  2. Parameter Renames:
    • recfactoryrecord_factory
    • lowernameslowercase_names
    • parserclassparser_class
  3. Import Changes: Package renamed from dbfread to dbfread2

🗑️ Removed

  • Support for Python versions below 3.12
  • Legacy configuration files (.flake8, tox.ini)
  • Deprecated functions and compatibility layers
  • Old documentation format (RST files)