This two full-day workshop provides the basics of time series analysis and forecasting in R. This workshop will run online and in-person on-site at the Department of Education in the second half of 2024.
Attendees will learn:
- How to wrangle tidy time series data in R.
- Visualisation techniques to identify common time series patterns.
- Explore, manipulate and forecast multiple related time series.
- Univariate and multivariate time series models for forecasting and econometric analysis.
- Evaluate different forecasting models and assess which model provides the best fit.
The workshop will provide a quick-start overview of exploring time series data and producing forecasts. There is no need for prior experience in time series to get the most out of this workshop.
It is expected that you are comfortable with writing R cod and using tidyverse packages including dplyr and ggplot2. If you are unfamiliar with writing R code or using the tidyverse, consider working through the learnr materials here:
Some familiarity with statistical concepts such as the mean, variance, quantiles, normal distribution, and regression would be helpful to better understand the forecasts, although this is not strictly necessary.
Please bring your own laptop capable of running R.
To be able to complete the exercises of this workshop, please install a suitable IDE (such as RStudio), a recent version of R (4.1+) and the following packages.
- Time series packages and extensions
- fpp3, sugrrants
- tidyverse packages and friends
- tidyverse, fpp3
The following code will install the main packages needed for the workshop.
install.packages(c("tidyverse","fpp3", "readabs", "GGally", "sugrrants"))
Please have the required software installed and pre-work completed before attending the workshop.