This piece of code is originally for the game YU-NO(この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO, 在世界尽头咏唱恋曲的少女YU-NO, YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World).
At one point of the game, u need to mark blocks on two slabs:
Hints are:
- symbol stands for unique number
- symbol sequence shows the length of continuous blocks
- length of blanks should be >=1 (between symbols) or >=0 (to the edge)
e.g. as to 'ABB':
- XX X X (A=2, B=1)
- X XXX XXX (A=1, B=3)
- X X X (A=B)
- XX X X X (not 3 sections)
- Class "State" stores mid states
- func next() generates next states by comsuming a horizontal row
- func valid() check generated states with vertical rows
- func manual() offers a step-by-step method of choosing states through the procedure
- solve the original situations in about 5 mins (hasn't try improvements)
- does not support situations including empty line(has no symbols)
- bad input format
- ugly style - -