One-click Bitcoin Lightning networks for local app development & testing
Polar requires that you have Docker installed to create the local networks
- On Mac & Windows, you can just install Docker Desktop
- On Linux, you need to install Docker Server and Docker Compose separately
Command | Description |
yarn |
install dependencies |
yarn dev |
run the app with react hot reloading and electron live restarting |
yarn test |
run unit tests in watch mode |
yarn test:e2e |
run e2e tests |
yarn lint:all |
run typescript and eslint syntax checking |
yarn langs |
extract i18n language keys from code |
yarn pacakge |
package the app for your OS |
Note: there is currently a bug in electron v6 on Windows with Dark Mode enabled. Use
yarn win
instead ofyarn dev
to automatically disabled dark mode during development. See win-light.cmd for more details.
- install the import-sorter Visual Studio Code extension for automatic import statement sorting
- Electron: cross platform desktop app framework
- Typescript: increased productivity with a typed language
- ReactJS: declarative UI library for JavaScript
- Create React App: minimize build configuration
- easy-peasy: Redux state management without the boilerplate
- Ant Design: don't reinvent the wheel with UI design
- react-i18next: support for multiple languages (english/spanish included)
- electron-log: multi-level logging to console and file
- Prettier: keep code format consistent
- ESLint: follow code quality best practices
- Github Actions: automate builds and testing on Windows/Mac/Linux
- Renevate Bot: automate dependency upgrades via GitHub bot
- Jest: delightful JavaScript testing
- React Testing Library: React specific testing utilities
- CodeCov: maintain quality of unit tests
- Testcafe: End-to-end is important
- commitlint: standardize git commit messages
- standard-version: automate release versioning and changelog generation
Huge thanks to maintainers of Lightning Joule, Zap Wallet, LND, Bitcoin Core, along with many others for the amazing apps & libraries that gave this project inspiration, ideas & sometimes even a little code 😊.