This package installs a CLI tool named ia
for using from the command-line.
It also installs the internetarchive
python module for programatic access to
Please report all bugs and issues on Github.
Table of Contents:
You can install this module via pip:
pip install internetarchive
Alternatively, you can install a few extra dependencies to help speed things up a bit:
pip install "internetarchive[speedups]"
This will install ujson for faster JSON parsing, and gevent for concurrent downloads.
If you want to install this module globally on your system instead of inside a virtualenv
, use sudo:
sudo pip install internetarchive
Help is available by typing ia --help
. You can also get help on a command: ia <command> --help
Available subcommands are configure
, metadata
, upload
, download
, search
, mine
, delete
, list
, and catalog
To download the entire TripDown1905 item:
$ ia download TripDown1905
ia download
usage examples:
#download just the mp4 files using ``--glob``
$ ia download TripDown1905 --glob='\*.mp4'
#download all the mp4 files using ``--formats``:
$ ia download TripDown1905 --format='512Kb MPEG4'
#download multiple formats from an item:
$ ia download TripDown1905 --format='512Kb MPEG4' --format='Ogg Video'
#list all the formats in an item:
$ ia metadata --formats TripDown1905
#download a single file from an item:
$ ia download TripDown1905 TripDown1905_512kb.mp4
#download multiple files from an item:
$ ia download TripDown1905 TripDown1905_512kb.mp4 TripDown1905.ogv
You can use the provided ia
command-line tool to upload items. You
need to supply your IAS3 credentials in environment variables in order
to upload. You can retrieve S3 keys from
$ export IAS3_ACCESS_KEY='xxx'
$ export IAS3_SECRET_KEY='yyy'
#upload files:
$ ia upload <identifier> file1 file2 --metadata="title:foo" --metadata="blah:arg"
#upload from `stdin`:
$ curl |
ia upload <identifier> - --remote-name=kywiki-20130927-pages-logging.xml.gz --metadata="title:Uploaded from stdin."
You can use the ia
command-line tool to download item metadata in JSON format:
$ ia metadata TripDown1905
You can also modify metadata. Be sure that the IAS3_ACCESS_KEY and IAS3_SECRET_KEY environment variables are set.
$ ia metadata <identifier> --modify="foo:bar" --modify="baz:foooo"
If you have the Python library gevent
installed, you can use the ia mine
is automatically installed if you installed ia
via pip install "internetarchive[speedups]"
You can also install gevent
like so:
$ pip install cython git+git://[email protected]#egg=gevent
ia mine
can be used to concurrently retrieve metadata for items via the IA Metadata API.
# Create an itemlist to be used as input for your ``ia mine`` command.
$ ia search 'collection:IRS990' > itemlist.txt
# Print metadata to stdout (each items metadata is separated by a "\n" character).
$ ia mine itemlist.txt
# Download all metadata for each item contained in itemlist.txt.
$ ia mine itemlist.txt --cache
# Download all metadata for each item into a single file (each items metadata is separated by a "\n" character).
$ ia mine itemlist.txt --output irs990_metadata.json
ia mine
can be a very powerful command when used with jq, a command-line JSON processor.
For instance, items in the IRS990 collection have extra metadata that does not get
indexed by the search engine. Using ia mine
and jq
, you can quickly parse through this metadata using
adhoc jq
queries to find what you are looking for.
For instance, let's find all of the 990 forms who's foundation has the keyword "CANCER" in their name:
$ ia mine itemlist.txt | jq 'if .manifest then (.manifest[] | select(contains({foundation: "CANCER"}))) else empty end'
You can search using the provided ia
command-line script:
$ ia search 'subject:"market street" collection:prelinger'
If you have the GNU parallel
tool intalled, then you can combine ia search
and ia metadata
to quickly retrieve data for many items in parallel:
$ia search 'subject:"market street" collection:prelinger' | parallel -j40 'ia metadata {} > {}_meta.json'
Below is brief overview of the internetarchive
Python library.
Please refer to the API documentation for more specific details.
The Internet Archive stores data in items. You can query the archive using an item identifier:
>>> from internetarchive import get_item
>>> item = get_item('stairs')
>>> print(item.metadata)
Items contains files. You can download the entire item:
or you can download just a particular file:
>>> f = item.file('glogo.png')
>>> #writes to disk
You can iterate over files:
>>> for f in item.files():
... print(, f.sha1)
You can use the IA's S3-like interface to upload files to an item. You need to supply your IAS3 credentials in environment variables in order to upload. You can retrieve S3 keys from
>>> from internetarchive import get_item
>>> item = get_item('new_identifier')
>>> md = dict(mediatype='image', creator='Jake Johnson')
>>> item.upload('/path/to/image.jpg', metadata=md, access_key='xxx', secret_key='yyy')
Item-level metadata must be supplied with the first file uploaded to an item.
You can upload additional files to an existing item:
>>> item = internetarchive.Item('existing_identifier')
>>> item.upload(['/path/to/image2.jpg', '/path/to/image3.jpg'])
You can also upload file-like objects:
>>> import StringIO
>>> fh = StringIO.StringIO('hello world')
>>> = 'hello_world.txt'
>>> item.upload(fh)
You can modify metadata for existing items, using the
function. This uses the IA Metadata
API under the hood
and requires your IAS3 credentials.
>>> from internetarchive import get_item
>>> item = get_item('my_identifier')
>>> md = dict(blah='one', foo=['two', 'three'])
>>> item.modify_metadata(md, access_key='xxx', secret_key='yyy')
You can search for items using the advanced search engine:
>>> from internetarchive import search_items
>>> search = search_items('collection:nasa')
>>> print(search.num_found)
You can iterate over your results:
>>> for result in search:
... print(result['identifier'])