Quick little express middleware for authorization.
npm install express-colander
Express-colander currently relies on the existence of an object attached to the request like req.body or req.headers. It defaults to req.user
. Colander then looks for the provided property on that object. It defaults to permissions
So, if you have an object like so:
req: {
user: {
username: 'blah',
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'aas12347lkjhk@hlkjhasdjh#ha__09blkjga74',
permissions: 'admin'
You can just create a new instance of express-colander.
If you use a different request object, you'll need to pass and object to the class instance:
const Colander = require('express-colander')
const col = new Colander({
modelName: 'account',
propertyName: 'roles'
This is designed under the constraints of my own development. As such, it's main focus is to provide easy authorization for Express apps using Passport.js, Mongoose (yeah, I know, MongoDB sucks), and JWT based authentication. If you're interested in using this with other libraries, message me on Github.
There are two, and only two, methods provided by express-colander: allow
and block
. Think of them as whitelists and blacklists, respectively. In each, pass either a string or an array of strings as the argument. The methods only take one argument.
const express = require('express')
const Colander = require('express-colander')
const colander = new Colander()
const app = express()
/* Pass array to colander */
passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false}),
colander.allow(['admin', 'editor']),
(req, res) => {
// Route logic here
/* OR - pass a string */
passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }),
(req, res) => {
// Route logic here
const express = require('express')
const Colander = require('express-colander')
const colander = new Colander()
const app = express()
/* Block using string */
passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }),
(req, res) => {
// Route logic here
/* OR - block an array */
passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }),
colander.block(['guest', 'minors', 'parents', 'grandparents', 'anyoneICareAbout']),
(req, res) => {
// Route logic here
Hey there. This is a side-project I started out of boredom. However, I'll probably develop it as I go along. Right now it's a bit of a mess, but feel free to jump in!
Things I ask of you:
- Write descriptive commit messages
- Submit a pull request on the
branch - Make sure you've run
npm run build
before you commit.
- Eslint configuration || Prettier integration
- Git hooks maybe || at least github permissions on the repo level
- Enable configuration
- Test suite
- Stricter, official contribution guide
- Refactor into cleaner modules
- Ability to call as a router-wide middlware: e.g.
- Additional drivers/options for configuration
- More tests
- Locked dependency versions
- Version 0.1.3 had a bug.
was the problem. The bug was fixed in version 0.1.4 (I'm 50% confident in that statement) by changing the returned function into the arrow function format.