University of Manitoba
- Winnipeg, MB, Canada
(UTC -05:00) - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4033-6716
A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.
Run complete workflows in a virtualized container on GitHub Actions using QEMU
Dockerhub Mirror on GHCR powered by Github Actions and Crane
A data model for EIC defined with podio and based on EDM4hep.
Generic event data model for HEP collider experiments
Concurrent Event Processor for EIC Experiments Based on the Gaudi Framework (mirror of the development repository)
Collaboration Portal for the MOLLER Collaboration at Jefferson Lab, with resources of primary interest to collaboration members.
The official Open-Asset-Importer-Library Repository. Loads 40+ 3D-file-formats into one unified and clean data structure.
Experiment-independent toolkit for (charged) particle track reconstruction in (high energy) physics experiments implemented in modern C++
Sample job submission scripts for remoll simulation and analysis
Builds & deploys a Jekyll 4.x site to gh-pages branch of the same repository.
FundamentalNeutrons / FundamentalNeutrons.github.io
Forked from DigitaleGesellschaft/jekyll-theme-conferenceJekyll template for a conference website containing program, speaker, talks and room overview
Jekyll template for a conference website containing program, speaker, talks and room overview
Geant4 toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter - NIM A 506 (2003) 250-303
STEPcode (formerly NIST's STEP Class Library) is used with IFC, STEP, and other standards that utilize the technologies of ISO10303 (STEP). It generates C++ and Python from EXPRESS (10303-11) schem…
Simple Express-G Viewer. Tiny implementation. Based on STEPCode
wdconinc / remoll
Forked from JeffersonLab/remoll12 GeV MOLLER Simulation (development environment)
A Spack recipe repository of Key4hep software.
GitHub Action to Setup CernVM-FS