Be the best website visualization builder with Vue and Electron.
基于SpringMVC+Activiti 5.16 的简单OA,可以用作模版供以后学习用。
JeeSite主要定位于企业信息化领域,已内置企业信息化系统的基础功能和高效的 代码生成 工具, 包括:系统权限组件、数据权限组件、数据字典组件、核心工具组件、视图操作组件、工作流组件、代码生成等。 前端界面风格采用了结构简单、性能优良、页面美观大气的Twitter Bootstrap页面展示框架。 采用分层设计、双重验证、提交数据安全编码、密码加密、访问验证、数据权限验证。 使用Maven…
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The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
🔥🔥🔥AidLearning is a powerful AIOT development platform, AidLearning builds a linux env supporting GUI, deep learning and visual IDE on Android...Now Aid supports CPU+GPU+NPU for inference with high…
OneDrive Index Anywhere (QCloud SCF/Aliyun FC/Cloudflare Workers/Google Cloud Functions etc.)
Tweak mobile Pascal cards' thermal design power
《Spring Boot基础教程》,2.x版本持续连载中!点击下方链接直达教程目录!
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INSYDE (Intelligent System Designer): An integrated enviroment to make your own intelligent systems.
amberblade / warp-ctc
Forked from mz24cn/warp-ctcbaidu-research/warp-ctc Windows Compatible Version with Pytorch binding
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
cx_Freeze creates standalone executables from Python scripts, with the same performance, is cross-platform and should work on any platform that Python itself works on.